
  1. kiiyo

    Getting Rid Of The Wait

    As of right now, Starbase (outside of the SSC) largely consists of waiting. A lot of waiting. Summoning the gods of waiting won’t even help here, there’s so much wait to absorb in our economically and spatially overinflated asteroid belt. Getting to a decent distance into the ‘roid field takes...
  2. Burnside

    Warpgate Placement, Range, and Alignment

    Given Lauri's most recent statement on the direction of warpgates as they enter the design phase, I have thoughts and questions relating to their deployment. First, one-gate "accelerators" seem to be off the board for the time being; I'd been expecting to chain several of these together to...
  3. Burnside

    Hyperlane Infrastructure, Endgame Travel

    Working from the premise of warp travel working by way of creating "highways" in which speed is unrestricted until an impedding object triggers the anticollision dewarp feature, I presume Hyperlanes are generated from a large, energy-intense, station-based system composed of several...