Sep 16, 2019

CORPORATION 404 - Now Accepting New Members
[faction not found]

Are you tired of mega corporations, military super-powers and cat-ear fanatics clouding the cosmos?
Well, look no further.
At Corporation 404 we strive to not be any of those things. We will almost certainly turn out worse.
We are a truly neutral faction and aim to stay that way.

Our goal, as a non-existent corporation, is mostly to maintain ourselves.
Our specialities include:

> Space-faring vehicular appropriation
> Aggressive salvage operations
> Effective and efficient re-purposing solutions

At Corporation 404, profit is only second to independence.
We will work with you, not for you.

The following business opportunities are available to prospective clients:

> Component acquisition
> Material distribution
> General trade

Corporation 404 does not discriminate in its members. While we look down upon individuals with multiple commitments to numerous factions, we will overlook such things in the regard that you place the interested of 404 first.
We look forward to working with any and all who see fit to join us.
Join up today to start your life as a true neutral contributor to galactic destabilisation.

For registration, join our Discord.

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