Discussion of general issues on the design of the game, and content in Russian

Nov 28, 2019
Любая игра требует конкретизации её игровой концепции, или основного смысла.
Этот проект меня лично заинтересовал, концепцией строительной стретегии в совмещении с боевой составляющей.
Очень верно, что разработчики взяли за модель юнита не гуманоида, а робота, весьма хорошее решение для дальнейшего смыслового развития проекта.
Предлагаю в этой теме, обсуждать пути развития проекта и конкретные предложения, для русскоязычных участников.
Важные мысли и идеи, заинтересованные лица смогут перевести на язык понятный разработчикам.

Any game requires a special game concept.

This project interested me personally.

It is very good that the developers took up the model of the unit, and not the humanoid.

Proposed in this topic, discussed ways to develop the project and specific proposals for Russian-speaking participants.

Important thoughts and ideas, interested persons can translate into a clear language of developers.

It is important that the developers do not fall into contradictory concepts.
If part of the gameplay is an economic model of resource extraction.
The replacement of this semantic part with automatic production by drones will greatly distort the meaning of the original idea.
The construction of automatic combat ships will be a contradiction with the idea of a first-person combat strategy. This can translate the game into a fundamentally different meaning, control strategies for automatic drone fleets.
If part of the game is done by engineering construction, then auto-building in the "mad printer" mode will eliminate this part of the gameplay.
Turning the project into an ordinary shooter in space, that is, the output is a shooter, not a strategy.
This must be kept within the framework of common sense balance. Limit drones quantitatively or qualitatively on the principle of "trust the drone that you do not mind, but if you want to do it well then do it yourself."
I hope that the game from the very beginning will not go along the path of already dead projects that burned out in an attempt to accommodate mutually exclusive and mutually destructive concepts.

It is good that the developers did not immediately make the planet.
Planets must be dealt with after debugging and correcting the basic interactions of game processes.
By developing content for the planet, it will be possible to expand the variability of the game, but for this it is necessary to first assess the existing capabilities.
Work on the planet must be taken seriously, and it is better to do it later and well than quickly and anyhow.
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Forever locked into The Pool
Sep 6, 2019
Unfortunately the forum rules state that all discussions must be in English, except for faction introductions and recruitment. This is because it would be near impossible for us to moderate the forums, as most of our staff can only speak Finnish and English.

I understand that this can be a inconvenience for many people who do not speak English, but we unfortunately cannot provide official support for multiple languages.
Nov 28, 2019
Unfortunately the forum rules state that all discussions must be in English, except for faction introductions and recruitment. This is because it would be near impossible for us to moderate the forums, as most of our staff can only speak Finnish and English.

I understand that this can be a inconvenience for many people who do not speak English, but we unfortunately cannot provide official support for multiple languages.
OK, I understand you.
I proposed a discussion in Russian, precisely because of the large number of people interested in this topic among those who speak this language.
With moderation of the topic, I can offer my help.
But if the site administration is categorically against, I can delete the discussion from the site.
Nov 22, 2019
Unfortunately the forum rules state that all discussions must be in English, except for faction introductions and recruitment. This is because it would be near impossible for us to moderate the forums, as most of our staff can only speak Finnish and English.

I understand that this can be a inconvenience for many people who do not speak English, but we unfortunately cannot provide official support for multiple languages.

I will join the discussion. This topic could really be convenient for the Russian-speaking community.
In a way, this is beneficial for both parties.
If the Russian-speaking community has its own theme for more comfortable communication, then the Russian-speaking community will be able to create some feedback for you, provided that you have some person on the side who is fluent in both languages and is able to transmit information to you from the Russian-speaking community .
It seems that a similar practice exists in other projects. There they even translate the forum itself for the convenience of users. It seems to me that this is a great idea that can be useful for both sides. Yes, you may have to face some difficulties, but I think the result will please you.
The main thing is to try.


Community Manager
Aug 9, 2019
Thanks for the feedback, we'll keep it in mind. :) Currently we unfortunately don't have any Russian-speaking employees in the support or community management teams, so we can't make any promises yet. We appreciate the willingness to help, but we would still need personnel who are fluent in Russian in order to moderate the forums properly, and to ensure that the Russian-speaking community gets the same amount of professional support and care as the English-speaking community. I hope it will be possible someday in the future.
Nov 28, 2019
Thanks for the feedback, we'll keep it in mind. :) Currently we unfortunately don't have any Russian-speaking employees in the support or community management teams, so we can't make any promises yet. We appreciate the willingness to help, but we would still need personnel who are fluent in Russian in order to moderate the forums properly, and to ensure that the Russian-speaking community gets the same amount of professional support and care as the English-speaking community. I hope it will be possible someday in the future.
I am fluent in Russian; I have experience in game design and calculating mathematical interactions in games. always happy to assist your project. Contact for any question.