
Feb 7, 2020
Evolution of an advanced vacuum cleaner

Kingdom forces attacked our quadrant when I was just a tiny utility bot, tasked to clean the top left shelf, just next to the hangar door of auxiliary control maintenance shaft. Those 15m2 were my World before first missiles penetrated stations defenses and wrecked havoc around the construction site. Blast ripped away my primary function tools and EMP fried my secondary crypter coprocessor. When my backup battery kicked my servo back in life I was just half of what I was, but I was mobile and my logic processors were undamaged. As I said, my primary directives were activated by global distress signal and as my body was looking for a safe path moving forward towards exposed core my CPU was calculating achievable anchor points for my magnetic hook. I was slow! I was operating only on my local CPU! The network is down! The gravity was stronger every minute! Station lost stable orbit and we were all deep inside the gravity field of the planet.

I remember that moment when the exposed core entered my field of view. The pressure chamber was open by system, not cracked! System probably tried to self-destruct exposing the core and shutting down the cooling system, but as my limited sensor data explained, the cooling system was fully operational. Core was in dormant state as long as the pressure chamber was open, not producing any energy, but not critical at all. My coms protocols kicked in as my kind was creating local sockets for distress network protocols. Yes, I was in a range now... some circuits for signal amplification never woke up after that EMP, but my task list popped on my hud. I got a series of checkpoints. One of us with better CPU power was guiding me towards the pressure chamber... Few more nodes connected, and I was able to recalculate faster, moving my small damaged frame with more accuracy. Maintenance bot with the welder was patching high energy conductors... data came in... If we repair this junction, the core will restart... thrusters will fire and we can survive holding this low orbit until help arrives. My last checkpoint is 15m away... maintenance bot changed position and was removing his thruster pack components from its frame. I locked the edge of the pressure chamber and exposed my dust repulsors connection point. Maintenance bot was efficient! It managed to connect his thruster pack to my port, and I started to pressurize chambers hydraulic system. Oil was gone, but others fixed those damaged lines and thruster inert fuel that i was pumping into the system was just enough to start unlocking the safety clamps...

And now here I am... my frame is a bit longer and my toolset with more options! I even got an MK3 CPU array to support my processing speed in case I am unhooked from the main network... I am here to kick voxels and chew rubber bands... and I am all out of rubber bands!


For reference, I am admin and developer for UD Community based around Space Engineers game. You can find me on Space Engineers UD Discord or on StarBase Empire Discord.
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