Feedback on latest update: blueprints, resources in origin

Apr 26, 2022
Hello FB, Thank you very much for the huge update! I cant wait to dive deep and make new ships with everything you've added but there's some issues i've noticed right away i'd like to mention.

I have some concerns regarding the resource asteroids surrounding origin and near the safezone borders, After a little over an hour of mining as usual the contents of almost every asteroid was either bastium or charodium and while i appreciate the increase in charodium i have been so far unable to find any exorium or aegisium as i was able to just yesterday though in small quantity's somewhat reliably given effort put forth to scan each roid patiently(if i am just unlucky today then no big deal) but if these were entirely removed from the safe-zone i did not see this in the patch notes.

Edit: seems i jumped the gun here, after asking a lot of people to report back to me it seems i was just unlucky :p the ores are all fine.

The blueprint feature is also not what was expected and seems to have left out Ship-Design-Workshop builders from updating previous versions of the same ship, Is this intended or is the feature not fully finished? please if any information can be given on this it would be appreciated since im pretty much dead in the water as things are right now because my ships were reliant on enhancers.
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Veteran endo
Jun 25, 2021
I don't think they have implemented the feature yet. I do have a few ships to update myself, I would like being able to convert existing ship to a newer design... But for now I am just deconstructing ships and rebuilding them. At least we can save the changes we make so we can use the repair terminals.


Well-known endo
Nov 9, 2020
I have some concerns regarding the resource asteroids surrounding origin and near the safezone borders, After a little over an hour of mining as usual the contents of almost every asteroid was either bastium or charodium and while i appreciate the increase in charodium i have been so far unable to find any exorium or aegisium as i was able to just yesterday though in small quantity's somewhat reliably given effort put forth to scan each roid patiently(if i am just unlucky today then no big deal) but if these were entirely removed from the safe-zone i did not see this in the patch notes.
Exorium and Aegisium are technically not supposed to be inside the safe-zone in the first place and can only be found there due to encoded randomness in asteroid deposition.

The blueprint feature is also not what was expected and seems to have left out Ship-Design-Workshop builders from updating previous versions of the same ship, Is this intended or is the feature not fully finished? please if any information can be given on this it would be appreciated since im pretty much dead in the water as things are right now because my ships were reliant on enhancers.
I highly doubt that ship-to-workshop design update would ever be implemented, since it goes against the private (local) ownership of ship designs and the possibility of attaching a plethora of objects (like ammo clips or station parts), which the Designer simply does not operate with. Blueprint updating is attached to the specific ship, and that specific ship really loses all relation with its SD design starting at the moment it was manufactured from it.
Apr 26, 2022
I highly doubt that ship-to-workshop design update would ever be implemented, since it goes against the private (local) ownership of ship designs and the possibility of attaching a plethora of objects (like ammo clips or station parts), which the Designer simply does not operate with. Blueprint updating is attached to the specific ship, and that specific ship really loses all relation with its SD design starting at the moment it was manufactured from it.
Its Ship Designer > to > Ship Printed from the Designer that im concerned with.
ex: i print a ship and there's a couple things wrong with it, i update those things and then from the editor that ships blueprint.
ex2: i sell someone a ship but make massive improvements which cant be done by hand, so i update their blueprints
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