Fireworks and flares!

Aug 16, 2021
This game has a fantastic crafting system which could be used further (when gases can be separated and mixed) for fireworks and flares. Either to just show off how deep/rich you are within the game (big explosion with X color shows you've got access to Y material and gases etc) just like cosmetics.

Or for other uses like an visual alarm system towards PvP etc.

The way it could work within the crafting system is this:

Just like how rockets in this game works, the inner workings for fireworks (and flares) would work the same. You've got:

1. The fuses - The fuse works just like cables/pipes and it needs a "fuse-tool". The fuse it self burns slowly/fast (depending on material chosen for it). If you make a Y connection and fire the fuse on the lower part for example, it takes X seconds before the crossingpoint is reached and two more fuses are lit towards two new sets of fireworks. That way it can be rigged to be set off at the same time, or with different time frames between fireworks in the same "fuse-network". You've got one fuse to setoff the material to provide propulsion, and one fuse to set off the explosion once the propulsion is lit.

2. "Gun Powder" - Just like missiles have its "thruster", a rocket/flare have this too. But its burn-rate is determined by the material used for it. Go out and mine astroids, separate those into gases or solid state form - mix them together, and test it in rockets. Some mixtures of gases/solidform gases should work perfectly for the purpolsion bit of the rocket, and others for the explosion bit of the flare/fireworks.

3. "Stars" - Here you add any hard material to provide you with different results. Some materials should give weight and do damage if it hits other obects, others provide light and sparkles just like fireworks, while other materials will burn slowly to function is a flare that lasts a long time.

Use cases:

1. Military purposes. If a guided missile is detected which search for heat/warmth to function, then rigging fireworks on space-ships can mitigate damage by having a chance that the missile will turn and aim for the hotter parts of the wireworks if set off at the correct time.

2. Cosmetic show-off. Make a fireworks show with fireworks that don't do much damage if you're unlucky to hit someone and just show off, or play a visual victory for a successful PvP raid when returning back to the station so everyone can celebrate with you're returning group.

3. Rig your miner ship in the case of an assault you're bound to lose. Before you die, set it off and watch the Pirates blow up after X seconds or minutes depending on the fuse-network you've set up.

4. Use it to visually mark asteroids in group-mining sessions with flares made to last as long as possible. That way you get a visual marking system without dealing with transponders which can be intercepted and picked up from longer distances by Pirates. Send out a huge hauler with 500-1000 crates, and one transport ship with players and scout vehicles with mineral scanners and mineral lasers. They fly out and scout the area, find good resources and pre-crack them open with lasers and mark the spot with a long lasting flare. The big hauler can come later and just collect the minerals for best efficiency in a group-mining operation, just following a trail of lit up flares the work-force has set up for it.

Its basically made just like how missiles are made, but its more focused on player discovery through the refineries and mixing of gases that come from that part of the game, to make the type of firework we want. Some fireworks will have different use-cases, and its up to us to find new ways it can be utilized.