Game is too toxic.


Aug 30, 2021
I've witnessed over a dozen times that players with issues have been told to just quit, and personally been told to quit on several occasions.

Discord moderation appears to give literally no effort to reign in this behavior.

I really hope this is frozenbyte's first attempt at handling a community, given how much of a objective failure it's been, and how painfully problematic they are.
Aug 17, 2021
While I agree the discord is sometimes a gathering of whiny people with very little to no patience, I absolutely disagree with the remark that the game is toxic. I fully believe you've had toxic encounters, but the way you write '...objective failure...' also makes me believe you do not know what the word objective means.

In my opinion, there is a large group of very helpful and passionate players, larger than the group of toxic players. Even the ones that voice their opinions in a bit of a harsh manner are often players that just desperately want the game to succeed.
Nov 12, 2019
Many of us learned in other games that the community discord are just cesspools of garbage. If you want to meet helpful people, join extra community groups like the think tank, or starbase engineering conference.

Really, half the people in the discord probably don't even have the game. They prefer discord pvp to actually playing.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
@ELES I want you to play the game. :) I too have encountered some weird people both in-game and outside the game. For me, I have to defer to the wisdom of my mom and do my best to remember that when people have unreasonable reactions that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the unreasonable person. Stay strong, buddy!

What a hilarious term. It is very accurate.