First Steps:
So you just got your key, you are super hyped you got into the game and have no idea what to do? Then did guide is for you.
First things first, This is your character selection menu, press create character, you can have only one so try not to accidentally delete it.
After pressing the "Enter Universe Button" You should find yourself in the origin point in the starter station.
If you are confused and don't know what is where, he is a map by TAG_urit:
The first thing you want to do is to pick a starting job, as of the time of writing this guide there are 2 jobs: Mining and Assembly (aka Space IKEA), You can choose any of these but I will recommend the assembly job if you want to get fast into the game, I will list the pros and cons of each one.
(Also there is demolition job that is W.I.P)
Mining Job:
Job Description: Mine asteroids or split them into pieces and sell them for hundredth of their price because currently you are the slave of the station.
Best Technique: Split the asteroid into parts you can pickup using E and throw them into the collection area.
Tutorial Video:
- It's fun as there is a different with each asteroid
- You can learn how to mine asteroids
- You make very little money money
Assembly (Space IKEA):
Job Description: Assemble different objects for money.
Best Technique: (Before getting started: Pickup a bolting tool and some bolts, and click C to enable snapping) Pick a box thruster and assemble it in a cursed way for extra quick cash. (Look at image for reference)
Tutorial Video:
Good To Note: If nothing is getting bolted and shows an X you are probably trying to bolt in a non bolt area or you are out of bolts.
- Super quick cash and absolutely overpowered.
- Very repetitive and you might get bored after doing for a while
Your First Ship:
So you grinded fr a few hours and finally want to venture out into space, As your first ships you have a few options but the current meta is the Hauler and is my recommendation as well.
The hauler costs 900,000 credits which is quite a bit but it will be worth it, After you bought an Hauler you want to head toward the belt to mine some asteroids.
A few things to notice:
- Currently there is a visual bug preventing some people from seeing the Hauler's batteries recharge when they turn the generator on.
- If you are going to mine outside the safezone keep in mind your ship can get destroyed and you'll have to get started over again.
Your First Mining Trip:
Before going on your first mining trip make sure you have the following things:
- Mining Backpack (Can be found on the S.H Shop found in the marketpalce, make sure to equip it)
- Pickaxe (Also found in the S.H shop, it has a special slot in the mining back pack)
- (Optional) Bolting tool for a case you crash your ship
- (Optional) Durability in case you want to stack some extra ores on your ship and want to make sure it won't crash
Market graph for navigation (by TAG_urit):
When mining, you will already earn much more money than in the mining or assembly job but if you want to get the real cash you will need to get outside the safezone, this will take about ~20 minutes of travel into the belt.
As soon as you see the "[System] Leaving Safe Zone." Message you should start being careful as your ship can be destroyed from rouge asteroids, The material you are looking for is Corazium which is the most common rare mineral which is the 2nd most valuable ore.
When you found an ore stop your ship nearby, connect to your resource bridge, press I and check the "Auto - Collection" option in your mining inventory (If there is an X it means it's active) and start mining with R-click with a pickaxe.
(Image of all known ores by Olivia)
Ore relative prices (Not exact prices but they should give you an idea of what is worth mining, by Senkii):
Very high:
Xhalium Ore 500.00
Corazium Ore 300.00
Arkanium Ore 100.00
Kutonium Ore 50.00
Oninum Ore 40.00
Haderite Ore 30.00
Karnite Ore 25.00
Nhurgite (Green) 20.00
Lukium Ore 15.00
Charodium (Orange) 12.00
Merkerium Ore 12.00
Aegisium Ore 10.00
Surtrite (Red) 10.00
Ilmatrium Ore 8.00
Tengium Ore 7.00
Bastium (Gold) 6.00
Exorium (Pink) 5.00
Ukonium (Orange) 5.00
Vokarium Ore 5.00
Water (Ice)
Now you got yourself some decent amount of ores that you wanted to mine, It's time to head back to the station to sell the ores, Although if you want to make 3 times the money you can head to the empire outpost which will be an extra risk but is worth it.
To get to the empire outpost head to the empire station and look at the moon which is above it an then a bit right, fly straight (avoid asteroids) until you see the outpost pop up in the distance and start flying towards it.
(You can't see it in the picture but if you fly towards there it will eventually render)
What's next?
You sold your ores from the mining trip, if you mined Corazium you should have about 4-12m (Depending on where you sold it), and now you can do whatever you want, You can trade between station, buy more ships, join a faction, build your own custom ship and much more.... I hope this guide helped you and Good Luck!
Movement - WASD
Hold an item - E
Pickup an item - P
Universal Tool - U
Gravity Boots Toggle - G
Set Gravity Boots surface - Hold Q
(With Pickaxe)
Right Click - Mine
Left Click - Fracture
(When on space ship) Customize spaceship controls - U
So you just got your key, you are super hyped you got into the game and have no idea what to do? Then did guide is for you.
First things first, This is your character selection menu, press create character, you can have only one so try not to accidentally delete it.
After pressing the "Enter Universe Button" You should find yourself in the origin point in the starter station.
If you are confused and don't know what is where, he is a map by TAG_urit:
The first thing you want to do is to pick a starting job, as of the time of writing this guide there are 2 jobs: Mining and Assembly (aka Space IKEA), You can choose any of these but I will recommend the assembly job if you want to get fast into the game, I will list the pros and cons of each one.
(Also there is demolition job that is W.I.P)
Mining Job:
Job Description: Mine asteroids or split them into pieces and sell them for hundredth of their price because currently you are the slave of the station.
Best Technique: Split the asteroid into parts you can pickup using E and throw them into the collection area.
Tutorial Video:
- It's fun as there is a different with each asteroid
- You can learn how to mine asteroids
- You make very little money money
Assembly (Space IKEA):
Job Description: Assemble different objects for money.
Best Technique: (Before getting started: Pickup a bolting tool and some bolts, and click C to enable snapping) Pick a box thruster and assemble it in a cursed way for extra quick cash. (Look at image for reference)
Tutorial Video:
Good To Note: If nothing is getting bolted and shows an X you are probably trying to bolt in a non bolt area or you are out of bolts.
- Super quick cash and absolutely overpowered.
- Very repetitive and you might get bored after doing for a while
Your First Ship:
So you grinded fr a few hours and finally want to venture out into space, As your first ships you have a few options but the current meta is the Hauler and is my recommendation as well.
The hauler costs 900,000 credits which is quite a bit but it will be worth it, After you bought an Hauler you want to head toward the belt to mine some asteroids.
A few things to notice:
- Currently there is a visual bug preventing some people from seeing the Hauler's batteries recharge when they turn the generator on.
- If you are going to mine outside the safezone keep in mind your ship can get destroyed and you'll have to get started over again.
Your First Mining Trip:
Before going on your first mining trip make sure you have the following things:
- Mining Backpack (Can be found on the S.H Shop found in the marketpalce, make sure to equip it)
- Pickaxe (Also found in the S.H shop, it has a special slot in the mining back pack)
- (Optional) Bolting tool for a case you crash your ship
- (Optional) Durability in case you want to stack some extra ores on your ship and want to make sure it won't crash
Market graph for navigation (by TAG_urit):
When mining, you will already earn much more money than in the mining or assembly job but if you want to get the real cash you will need to get outside the safezone, this will take about ~20 minutes of travel into the belt.
As soon as you see the "[System] Leaving Safe Zone." Message you should start being careful as your ship can be destroyed from rouge asteroids, The material you are looking for is Corazium which is the most common rare mineral which is the 2nd most valuable ore.
When you found an ore stop your ship nearby, connect to your resource bridge, press I and check the "Auto - Collection" option in your mining inventory (If there is an X it means it's active) and start mining with R-click with a pickaxe.
(Image of all known ores by Olivia)
Ore relative prices (Not exact prices but they should give you an idea of what is worth mining, by Senkii):
Very high:
Xhalium Ore 500.00
Corazium Ore 300.00
Arkanium Ore 100.00
Kutonium Ore 50.00
Oninum Ore 40.00
Haderite Ore 30.00
Karnite Ore 25.00
Nhurgite (Green) 20.00
Lukium Ore 15.00
Charodium (Orange) 12.00
Merkerium Ore 12.00
Aegisium Ore 10.00
Surtrite (Red) 10.00
Ilmatrium Ore 8.00
Tengium Ore 7.00
Bastium (Gold) 6.00
Exorium (Pink) 5.00
Ukonium (Orange) 5.00
Vokarium Ore 5.00
Water (Ice)
Now you got yourself some decent amount of ores that you wanted to mine, It's time to head back to the station to sell the ores, Although if you want to make 3 times the money you can head to the empire outpost which will be an extra risk but is worth it.
To get to the empire outpost head to the empire station and look at the moon which is above it an then a bit right, fly straight (avoid asteroids) until you see the outpost pop up in the distance and start flying towards it.
(You can't see it in the picture but if you fly towards there it will eventually render)
What's next?
You sold your ores from the mining trip, if you mined Corazium you should have about 4-12m (Depending on where you sold it), and now you can do whatever you want, You can trade between station, buy more ships, join a faction, build your own custom ship and much more.... I hope this guide helped you and Good Luck!
Movement - WASD
Hold an item - E
Pickup an item - P
Universal Tool - U
Gravity Boots Toggle - G
Set Gravity Boots surface - Hold Q
(With Pickaxe)
Right Click - Mine
Left Click - Fracture
(When on space ship) Customize spaceship controls - U
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