Impressions & Thoughts, a Vampiricdust story...


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Aug 9, 2019
Spawn in:
Spawning into the world and seeing the amazing ads denoting key places and a great view of the station was both awing and very helpful. I didn't really want to move around for a bit.

The controls are a bit awkward feeling, but I think mostly due keybinding preferences. I usually hate to change default keybindings, so I try to get used to them. It isn't bad once you get used it and makes a sense.

First jobs:
Mining job was very enjoyable for a repetitive task and seemed to go by even though it wasn't really all that profitable. Very well done. I really enjoyed watching the pathing on the rocks to find it's fracture points. It was really neat watching that in the outlines of the pieces.
Assembly job was actually a bit of the opposite initially, but became okay once you got the hang of things. It was really hard figuring out how to get the pieces to set into the spots correctly and reliably with very awkward rotational control. It was extremely frustrating to figure out where parts were supposed to connect even with pictures. While the job payed better, it was hard to see with the board being buggy or fluctuating as it was per minute and never seemed like an average or accurate. That might have helped feel like the job was worth it, but even having a good grasp of the job now, I wish mining paid better cause the job is more fun.

Getting Around:
I am sure this is common, but running doesn't feel fast on a station, but I think this is a trick of the scale of the station versus a ship. It's really hard outside a ship or building to get any real grasp on scale. The only thing that might help is using textures on the station parts with contrasts that help give players a sense of scale.
Otherwise, I think it's quite fitting and perfect.

I recently upgraded my PC quite a bit so I shouldn't have any issues playing at all and so far I have not. I was ejected from a ship while travelling with VilleFB. It seemed to be at a zone change and a known issue. There is a bit of delay imposed by the game itself by the looks of the settings and this caused me some control issues flying someone else's ship. Reducing the delay by .1 reduced the noticeable delay greatly.

Market Layout:
The layout of the market is quite confusing, really dark, and the signs are more confusing than helpful. I would recommend moving arrow signs to the floor and color code them to match the main color on shop signs. This way players can follow a path from the entrance to the desired shop and back out again more easily. The general darkness inside made it hard to tell where things lead to in some cases (in all buildings, not really just the market)

It feels weighty and that it matters. It's a good feel and balance so far, but I haven't been to the belt yet, so wait and see how that part is. Overall, I'd say travel times seem reasonable for the starting area.

Holy crap! It plays really well, feels really stable, looks absolutely amazing, and there's a steep learning curve to climb that might be rather daunting for the average player, but is definitely how you put the burden of skill onto players and not tech trees. So far everything is above my expectations or meeting them. If this an early peek at CA, then I think things seem in pretty good shape as a player with a higher end system and good connection. There was very little instances of lag that is far below below some current released games.
My mind is blown by the stability of the technology you guys have built, the care and design that went into the underlying & cooperating systems, and scale of options. I cannot wait to see how it develops and glad to be here.
