Insurance Transfer Broken?

Sep 5, 2021
Today I logged in with the mindset to make some cash. So I insurance transferred to Origin 6 from Trade Station Maarka to make a few things to post on the Auction House. I did so then Went to Insurance transfer BACK to Maarka, Only to receive a message stating "Insurance transfer point is to far." I'm like WHAT?! My good mining ship is there. (which I flew for over an hour to get to) And LOTS of my ores.

I transferred around origin 6 to see if the message would change but it did not. Is anyone else encountering this issue? Please tell me this is a bug.


Well-known endo
Sep 5, 2021
It is not a bug, range is limited to 100 km. You are not the only one wishing for the insurance transfer range limit to be removed, but since items can be transported by insurance transfer this is not yet even an option.

In my opinion, being able to freely teleport between insurance points you have unlocked (without being able to bring items with you!) would greatly increase player interaction and possibilities for player to setup group events.
Furthermore, I wouldn't see a problem with players being able to teleport to their player station, iff it is not possible to bring items. This could require a reconstruction machine set up at the station and use a reconstruction kit per teleport.

This could greatly help players that don't see a point in spending hours upon hours on afk flying.
Sep 5, 2021
I really dislike that the Devs did it. I'm a new player and have already clocked 60 hours and I've only had the game for about 2 or 3 weeks.

As a new player (I don't even know what a reconstruction kit is but that sounds cool.) The insurance transfer to Marka was nice. I didn't know you could insurance transfer with items other than what's in your inventory. The only time I have left the safe zone was to fly to Marka, and we flew most the way out of the asteroid belt lol.

Anyways, Hopefully this post gets some more attention or others thoughts.