I made this app due to wanting to be able to edit YOLOL code and have some theme to it instead of a basic text editor. It's purely a themed text editor that allows only 20 lines and 70 characters per line. It's very simple and just meant to be fun for creating YOLOL code. It saves files in .sby (Starbase YOLOL) format for sharing these text files with friends. I might update it in the future with more functionality but for now, I just wanted something clean and simple!
Zip file is attached for download.
Here is a screenshot of the editor:
Here is the readme file included in the attached .zip file. Please read it over as it details everything.
Welcome to the unofficial Starbase YOLOL Editor!
The Starbase YOLOL Editor is a fan-made themed text editor for
creating YOLOL code. Restricts text to 20 lines and 70 characters per
line, gives load, save and quicksave options, a fun "online" button,
and a link to the creator's Discord. Use the app to max out your 1400
YOLOL characters per YOLOL chip!
- Uses 100% custom artwork inspired by the YOLOL chip from Starbase
- 20 lines
- Each line is force limited to 70 characters
- Monospace font for easy coding
- Tab between lines for easy navigation
- Load file dialog button (green Play button)
- Save file dialog button (red Pause button)
- Quick-save file button (blue Lock button)
- CTRL-S quick-save functionality
- Saves files with .sby file extension for easy sharing
- Red triangle button at top right to exit program
- All buttons report success/failure to lefthand text area
- Truncates loaded files to only load the first 20 lines and only
the first 70 characters per line
- Fun online button (yellow Online button) for laughs or inspiration
How to use:
Usage is simple: this program is a simple, themed text editor for
Starbase YOLOL code. Select a line and begin typing, and either click
or Tab to new lines and continue writing. When you're done writing
code, click the red Pause button to launch the Save As file dialog.
Files are saved as *.sby files (Starbase YOLOL file extension). Type
a new file name and click Save* to create the file.
To move or drag the window, click and hold on the light blue areas
or the border of the window and move the mouse. The righthand light
blue area is convenient for moving the window.
To load an existing file, click the green Play button and use the
Open File dialog box to select the *.sby file you want to open.
After loading or saving a file, you can click the blue Lock icon to
quick-save your file without using the dialog boxes, or you can also
use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+S to quick-save as well. If no file
has been opened since launching the program, an error will be
displayed in the lefthand box.
Files are saved as basic text files with one YOLOL line per file line.
Attempting to write more than 70 characters on a single line will
result in a system error ping sound alerting you to hitting the
The yellow Online button just types one of 20 different random
messages to the lefthand text area each click, meant for fun and
maybe inspiration for what to code for.
The Line Speed box is inert and used only to remind you that YOLOL
code proceeds one line per 0.2 seconds. It has no other function.
To close the app, click the red triangle at the top right of the app.
The top left has your system time and a Discord button which will
prompt you if you want to launch Vexus' Discord invite link in your
browser. If you enjoyed this app, come say hi!
For thematic reasons, there is no resizing of the application and no
default ability to minimize the application.
The interface is kept clean of popups and other distractions so you
can focus on coding!
The Starbase YOLOL Editor is made by Vexus. If you enjoy this app,
join my Discord at https://discord.gg/sbqHUHx or follow me on Twitch
*Saving requires the program to be launched with Administrator access!
Edit: Saving needs permissions (not necessarily Admin access), so I'll work on getting the app to ask for permission upon saving a file, since it's a bug right now that when you try to save without permissions nothing happens. Thanks for the feedback and bug report!
I made this app due to wanting to be able to edit YOLOL code and have some theme to it instead of a basic text editor. It's purely a themed text editor that allows only 20 lines and 70 characters per line. It's very simple and just meant to be fun for creating YOLOL code. It saves files in .sby (Starbase YOLOL) format for sharing these text files with friends. I might update it in the future with more functionality but for now, I just wanted something clean and simple!
Zip file is attached for download.
Here is a screenshot of the editor:
Here is the readme file included in the attached .zip file. Please read it over as it details everything.
Welcome to the unofficial Starbase YOLOL Editor!
The Starbase YOLOL Editor is a fan-made themed text editor for
creating YOLOL code. Restricts text to 20 lines and 70 characters per
line, gives load, save and quicksave options, a fun "online" button,
and a link to the creator's Discord. Use the app to max out your 1400
YOLOL characters per YOLOL chip!
- Uses 100% custom artwork inspired by the YOLOL chip from Starbase
- 20 lines
- Each line is force limited to 70 characters
- Monospace font for easy coding
- Tab between lines for easy navigation
- Load file dialog button (green Play button)
- Save file dialog button (red Pause button)
- Quick-save file button (blue Lock button)
- CTRL-S quick-save functionality
- Saves files with .sby file extension for easy sharing
- Red triangle button at top right to exit program
- All buttons report success/failure to lefthand text area
- Truncates loaded files to only load the first 20 lines and only
the first 70 characters per line
- Fun online button (yellow Online button) for laughs or inspiration
How to use:
Usage is simple: this program is a simple, themed text editor for
Starbase YOLOL code. Select a line and begin typing, and either click
or Tab to new lines and continue writing. When you're done writing
code, click the red Pause button to launch the Save As file dialog.
Files are saved as *.sby files (Starbase YOLOL file extension). Type
a new file name and click Save* to create the file.
To move or drag the window, click and hold on the light blue areas
or the border of the window and move the mouse. The righthand light
blue area is convenient for moving the window.
To load an existing file, click the green Play button and use the
Open File dialog box to select the *.sby file you want to open.
After loading or saving a file, you can click the blue Lock icon to
quick-save your file without using the dialog boxes, or you can also
use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+S to quick-save as well. If no file
has been opened since launching the program, an error will be
displayed in the lefthand box.
Files are saved as basic text files with one YOLOL line per file line.
Attempting to write more than 70 characters on a single line will
result in a system error ping sound alerting you to hitting the
The yellow Online button just types one of 20 different random
messages to the lefthand text area each click, meant for fun and
maybe inspiration for what to code for.
The Line Speed box is inert and used only to remind you that YOLOL
code proceeds one line per 0.2 seconds. It has no other function.
To close the app, click the red triangle at the top right of the app.
The top left has your system time and a Discord button which will
prompt you if you want to launch Vexus' Discord invite link in your
browser. If you enjoyed this app, come say hi!
For thematic reasons, there is no resizing of the application and no
default ability to minimize the application.
The interface is kept clean of popups and other distractions so you
can focus on coding!
The Starbase YOLOL Editor is made by Vexus. If you enjoy this app,
join my Discord at https://discord.gg/sbqHUHx or follow me on Twitch
*Saving requires the program to be launched with Administrator access!
Edit: Saving needs permissions (not necessarily Admin access), so I'll work on getting the app to ask for permission upon saving a file, since it's a bug right now that when you try to save without permissions nothing happens. Thanks for the feedback and bug report!
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