Let us support you! DLC/MTX

Apr 26, 2022
I'm very sad to hear that for some reasons not entirely known to me development is going to slow and i would like to suggest that something you could do going forward would be to give us something we could buy that would be able to further support funding development of the game.

Things like Supporter Packs featuring:
-Gold paint colour for ships
-Gold skin for weapons
-Gold skin for tools
-Gold skin for armour

Does it have to be these things? or gold?! no but please consider adding something or multiple somethings for us to further support you, thanks for the game as it is so far, hoping for the best as starbase is in my opinion the best attempt at this style of game to date.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
There is already the soundtrack you can buy to help support them. I think I might do that myself.
Apr 26, 2022
To clarify why i went with such neutral options was the stigma surrounding early access games that release dlc.

Those are just examples, Please do post any ideas you think might help or fit.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
There were those starbae hoodies that were shown in the dev vlog... They might be able to sell... 500 of those so maybe pay one employee for a month depending on the markup.


Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
they need to talk to the community as to what is wrong. or slowing them up. with all the fluff they are working on witch is not holding players away but they keep not working hard on the things that are , some of us have been saying exactly what is needed to get player count back up, which = $$$
finally with this next big push patch to main server this mite work, but then they seem to be pulling out.

they have been telling us for some time money was not the problem... so what is it?


Veteran endo
Jun 13, 2020
honestly, if they added DLC it’d have to give a PvP edge for people to even consider it. If it’s cosmetic building parts, you can literally just make them yourself.

If it were up to me, I’d say a kickstarter would be better, but I’m not sure how kickstarter works for EA projects.
Apr 26, 2022
The soundtrack is fire, you should get it for sure! I use it in some of my vids.
You can also get FB's other games.
Very true, I just hope we can get some more options soon, Hoodies were mentioned im not sure if those are actually available or not.

honestly, if they added DLC it’d have to give a PvP edge for people to even consider it. If it’s cosmetic building parts, you can literally just make them yourself.

If it were up to me, I’d say a kickstarter would be better, but I’m not sure how kickstarter works for EA projects.
I highly doubt they would ever release a gameplay affecting dlc and i hope they don't try to.. Also on kickstarter I've seen established studio's use it.

By PvP edge do you mean a literal edge in pvp or more flavor towards the pvp oriented crowd?