Notification About Next Patch: Frame Integrity and Armor Damage


Community Manager
Jul 22, 2020
We have a patch planned that is potentially coming later this week. Our Closed Alpha players may want to be prepared for a longer download, as this patch could be more sizeable than usual. The patch will include adjustments to frame integrity and armor damage, among other things. The armor damage adjustment affects all armor with the exception of endos and their weapons. Thus, these changes can have an effect on ships.

Frame integrity calculations have been tweaked for this patch and frame strength has been adjusted. Most ships should be fine with this change as the frame integrity should be similar to before, but some may not stay in one piece due to specifics in their frame design.

Damaging an armor piece means reductions to their armor value, but currently these reductions have been relative to the piece's volume, favoring larger plates as they have been able to take more hits. However, in this patch we are going to adjust these reductions to balance armor damage, meaning that larger plates should be reducing in armor value at a similar rate.

These may likely affect ship plans again, but as always, please be patient with us and wait for the patch notes and the patch before making any potential adjustments.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

Closed Alpha disclaimer:
We have entered a development phase where significant changes are coming in every major patch. These may have a big impact on your gameplay and we are sorry about the inconvenience and possible frustration! Through these updates, the game is starting to come together and pieces are falling into place. We hope that this is also visible to all our players and everybody who follows the game. Regardless we will continue to try and notify our Closed Alpha players of the biggest incoming changes the best we can.