🎶 This is the thread that never ends...
Worse enough to impact your mining yield compared to the miniscule extra chance it gives you of defending yourself. Tripods require other people, and if you're tying up more than maybe one other person to go mining with you, any additional people are better off piloting their own mining ship instead of being bored on yours.
Because they're typically bad in a game where you can hyper-optimize your ships for a single purpose.
Armor is heavy, I don't think we need to go to great lengths to establish that. It's intended to be.
There's plenty of ways to create emergent gameplay that isn't already decided before either side even sees one another, as is the case for the vast majority of pirate vs. miner instances.
Because it isn't worth making every mining run worse for the slim chance of maybe defending yourself in the slim chance of you being attacked on a run. And, even then, a hyper-optimized combat ship is still going to vastly outperform a hybrid ship that's a worse miner and also a bad warship.
Yes, because efficient and optimal mining is more important to some players, and losses are rare enough to be risk-managed.
Sure, but it's still exceedingly unlikely.
If you're mining efficiently enough in a ship that's well optimized for cost, then this is an acceptable loss.
I'm pointing out that there are ways for the game to promote actually interesting PvP with more uncertain (and thus, engaging) outcomes.
Aside from the hyperbole, this is pretty close to the point. A ship built for mining piloted by a player who is not a dedicated combat player has an exceedingly slim likelihood of beating a ship built for killing miners piloted by a player with hundreds or thousands of hours of experience doing so, even
if said miner has nominal armor and weapons to defend itself. The chances and likelihood just aren't worth it compared to running cheaper miners that mine better and just accepting the occasional loss as a hazard.
Not much. Sensors would certainly increase the degree of counterplay and make things more interesting. The point here is to give some actual agency to miners in this situation.
Please watch your language.
Maybe, but it would be nice if some groups of players other than pirates played the game. Pirates tend to be a pretty small minority of playerbases in games like this.
Sure, though this isn't quite as practical as the game presents it in its trailers. Not yet, anyway.
So far it looks like they're more likely to collapse and fragment all of their groups due to infighting, going by what's happened so far with pirate groups.
Almost like there's a lot of potential for introducing
interesting PvP objectives and mechanics beyond just pirate vs. miner and gatecamping.
See above.
The economy is completely demolished because there's hardly any game to Starbase and it peaks at 200 concurrent players in a universe designed for a scale of thousands.
Everything. Mining is about optimizing for yield over time. It's an entire sphere of gameplay, and one of the only actual gameplay pillars Starbase has right now. If a strategy (e.g. armed/armored miners) isn't the most optimal way to get more rockstuff in less time, then it isn't worth doing.
Not the only feasible, but the most efficient, which is what matters.
Yes, but what if you could earn
more value?
No idea. Starbase's development pace and track record has taught me to completely ignore upcoming features until they're actually implemented and functioning.
See above.
Yes, that's the entire point of risk management and acceptable losses.
The current state of the game is why optimizing for acceptable losses is the most efficient mining strategy.
I've pretty clearly laid out how I want the game to persist, if you happen to read the two forum threads I linked. If you missed those links, they're also in my forum signature.
I don't sit with a notebook and jot down a tally mark for everything that happens to me in game. I'm speaking from general experience, same as you.
Maybe. Who knows what will happen in the future with new features.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care.
Because players having agency as they play is important, and players with no agency don't stick around in the game long. It's fine to fish the waters for miners to kill, but you need to make sure to do so sustainably so you still have some left in the game the next time you go out looking.
Okay, I hope you're enjoying 200 max concurrent players then, I guess.
That happens right now, and doesn't seem to be working out that great.
Gankers are entirely dependent on having players to gank. They're pretty helpless gameplay-wise without them. You can either keep all the mechanics stacked in your favor and push people out of the game (as you've been consistently arguing for on the forums), or you can make some concessions so other players still enjoy themselves and you maintain a consistent population of people to gank.
This you? ...
... We're all allowed to speak from personal experience here, including our general experience with interacting with other players.
To be fair, nothing in this thread is going to change anyone's minds at this point, so I don't think this is a terribly important point.
Proud of you.
It's cool once or twice, but otherwise gets pretty tedious compared to just hopping into a new ship.
This seems hopelessly optimistic. Not only do you have to prevail against the pirate, you need to do so in such a way that the pirate (which is almost certainly faster and more maneuverable than the miner) doesn't disengage early and leave.
The entire point is to optimize for cheaper miners for the sake of risk management. Though, if you're arguing to make ships even more expensive than they currently are, good luck with that.
Well no. The good part is when it's the most efficient thing to do as far as mining yield per hour and ship costs.
A terribly slim chance, all things considered. You seem very wrapped up in the ego/pride of the situation, whereas I'm speaking just from the standpoint of optimizing mining yield -- in this situation I couldn't care less about blowing ships up or not, it's about the time efficiency.
(...immediately continues posting...)
I'm not sure, but I think this might have sounded tougher and more inspiring than it actually reads in text.
Well, no. We're talking about the difference between a
good fighter and a
good miner. Both of those depend on optimization, since Starbase allows you to hyper-optimize your ships to extreme degrees. Hybrids are usually a weakness.
Turrets work terribly. Tripods require other players.
There's nothing idiotic about optimizing for yield.
The likelihood if this actually happening, especially when said other miner probably won't have whatever tracking equipment the game eventually gets, seems
pretty slim.
I think the bigger idiot here is the one who foregoes efficiency to feebly try to prepare for extremely rare and non-catastrophic circumstances.
This goes both ways.
Convoys require a lot of other players, many of whom are probably going to be very bored for most of the session, and who would be better off in their own mining ships getting your group even more rockstuff.
Again, you don't have a monopoly on the ability to speak from experience.
You seem really hung up on this prey stuff -- is this all just some sort of ego/pride thing?
Yes, that's what risk management is about. It isn't worth sacrificing your ship's effectiveness at the one thing it's intended to do (procure rockstuff) for a marginal increase in performance in something it
isn't intended to do (fight), and still likely won't succeed at.
Because there's good rockstuff out there, and you're likely to be able to get it regardless of pirates if you're cautious.
I don't know, I think the person vociferously arguing against anything that could possibly give their opponent any sort of counterplay or advantage is the one trying to keep the game pretty casual for themself.
Good thread catch-up. See you tomorrow to say all the same stuff all over again in different ways!