Update 01.6.2020 (Build 165)
Update 29.5.2020 (Build 161)
- Major economy adjustment
- Fix for chat error message when interacting with ship parts with "F"
- Fix for input lag when starting to drag ore in modular ore cargo crates
Update 29.5.2020 (Build 161)
- Sent and received group invites can be now viewed from Group social tab
- Item Shop UI tweaks
- Removed "Delete character" and "Create character" from character screen for now
- ESC should now correctly close universal tool
- Fixed some graphical glitches in certain cases
- Your first login will now ask for a Profile name (you cannot change it at the moment after setting one, but maybe later)
- Added Movement audio slider to Audio Settings
- Added a sound effect when exiting / entering safe zone
- Added a sound effect when toggling snap on/off
- Crash recovery logic changed, user has to use File / Open Local Autosave and select a crash recovery save
- Fixes to search field behaviour
- Ctrl + F or F3 now activates search field while inside Ship Designer
- Lot will not reload completely anymore when finishing building a piece of the lot blueprint
- Added "Hardpoint" layer to Ship Designer (Found in Options - Layers..)
- Prevent saving blueprints with the same name
- Prevented opening Lot blueprints in Ship Designer
- Added a new sub folder "Utility" under Machinery, turnables, cradles, fixed mounts are found there
- Changed sub folder "Turrets" to "Weapons" under Machinery
- Changed sub folder "Interactables" to "Controls" under Devices, FCUs, MFC, progress bars/panels are stored now here
- Added now folder "Hardpoints", all hardpoints are now stored here
- "Import from Release" should now work correctly while in Ship Designer. To properly save the imported blueprint, you must use "Save As" option when saving it the first time (ctrl+s does not properly save it before it is saved via "save" or "save as" dialog)
- Added more instructions to workstations
- Buffed mining job rewards approximately by 100%
- Fix empty company names in Company invite prompts
- Ore Crates can now be picked up
- Ore should no longer disappear when ore was dragged on top of ore another player was moving at the same time
- Fixed ore dropping to world when drag fails inside ore crate
- Explosive damage now reduces the count of materials ore / material cubes contain
- Fix disappearing ores when moving from Ore Crate to Station inventory. Currently we don't have any more known issues with disappearing items
- Players can now pick up other players' backpacks
- Fixed range finder not detecting planet surfaces
- Levers should now work correctly when using inverted mouse
- Changed how asteroids load, expect some changes when flying inside the asteroid belt
- Attempted to fix situations where a ship would not consume fuel
- Ship Designer made shipLODs should now appear in correct rotation
- Added "Lifeline" to pilot chairs and Lifeline settings to Settings - Gameplay menu
- Ocelot - replaced inner plates with normal plates
- Kodiak - replaced some ship parts
- Remus - fixed generator button onStateValue to 100, before it was incorrectly set to 1
- Prices on station will be reset, price changes behave differently now too. All ore crates will start at 50,000 credits per crate at starting station, and prices will change based on supply and demand. Rocks are 30,000 credits initially per crate.
- Pre-made ships' prices increase initially
- Removed Swarmer Launcher from Empire Outpost shops
- More economy tweaks, ships should be slightly cheaper now (a bit more expensive than in live build)
- Economy will be restarted, initial prices set to 30k per stack for rock, 50k per stack for other ores than Bastium, Bastium slightly cheaper
- Ore price fluctuation allows 10x initial prices now
- Ore price fluctuation prevents zero prices
- Support for multi-screenshot
- Various fixes and server side changes
- Attempt to fix mouse issues with certain hardware
- Lots of art updates to station lods
- Ship shop art updates
- Added transmitter to Proving Grounds
- Added Kingdom Outpost to Universe. It will get trade options later
- Fixed arms incorrectly holding the pickaxe when in hammer mode
- Welding tool now has a reload animation in 3rd person
- Tweaked various emote animations
- Streaming of assets has been optimized to work faster
- Picking up splitted ores (from explosions) need to be picked up twice in order to show KV amount correctly
- Custom ships inherit ship binds from you last active pre-made ship. The whole binding system will be redone in the future.
- Quick Slot items need to be set in binds again in order for them to equip correctly
- Ship Designer has a new menu item "Import from Release" while playing in Candidate universe, saving the import with ctrl + s does not correctly work for the sessions first save
- Anubis was added to ShipShop and Ship Designer, but ship itself is missing
- We have identified issues where durability is affected even when inside safe zone. We are currently investigating how to best fix this
- A high amount of ship weapon hits (say with 16+ ship weapons) causes huge FPS drops.
- Using F to interact with ship parts incorrectly shows a "can't pick up" notification in chat
- Some UI elements still show your old playername