Questions about ship/station modules


Oct 2, 2021
I'm really into making a modular ship, started fiddling with little modules first to more complex ones later, but there is this question spinning around my head about whether is just useful for me on design-time or is this a feature that will be expanded later on.

According to the videos it looks like building ship modules in factories is the original plan, and 'easy build mode' is kind of what I expected it to be, however I don't really see how custom modules fit into EBM, casual mode or whatever buidling mode we get at the end. However, station modules seem to be a totally different thing (more like specific parts that actual complex constructs with different parts), and then things are not so clear anymore.

So the questions keep stacking..
- Are ship/station modules intended to be only -dev mode-, as only developers create the modules and we don't get to use our own modules out of SSC ever?
- Is there going to be any other use for ship modules than the SSC? Are we building ship modules using factories? are we assembling them manually? or is this a design-time-only feature?
- Is there any consideration that we'd need to know about making our own modules (e.g. max weight, part count, etc) so we start thinking on those constrains and test them?

I'm happy with whatever answer it is the truth, just wondering what is the real situation regarding ship modules or if there is any future plan.

Note: I'd appreciate if you mark whether your answer is an opinion or not, to avoid any more misunderstandings.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
for stations yes, dev made only, for ships its more complicated,
in the ssc you can make your own "modules" already but they are not EBM modules.
EBM is being integrated into the designer, so there is a possibility that afterwards you could make custom ones that would be compatible but this would be another system they would need to make firs for it to be compatible for EBM outside the designer.

as for things in factories this will no doubt be solved wit blueprints rather than modulest.


Oct 2, 2021
The videos showed factories printing SSC modules precisely, not full ships; not clear whether custom SSC modules will be available or just pre-defined SSC modules, hence the forum post. It would be nice to have things clarified regarding modules since it involves thinking and design the ship from the ground up as modules or not.