I run a custom .bat file with symbolic links to not need to redownload the PTU/LIVE client several times a day. I too would like it to be a seperate application.. I do not have exact numbers, but just for the corp game night, I have downloaded approx 200GB for it, and that does not include testing of new features or my own builds.
For anyone interested, this is what I run. Needs to be run as administrator because it makes symbolic links, but it saves the download time.. sadly steam still validates the files.. which takes quite some time.
@echo off
title PTU-LIVE file swap
set steamDir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbase"
set liveDir=C:\Starbase
set ptuDir=C:\Starbase
set saveDir=C:\Starbase
IF exist %saveDir%\Currently_PTU (
echo going to LIVE!
rmdir %steamDir%
mklink /D %steamDir% %liveDir%\LIVE
ren %saveDir%\Currently_PTU Currently_LIVE
) else (
echo going to PTU!
rmdir %steamDir%
mklink /D %steamDir% %ptuDir%\PTU
ren %saveDir%\Currently_LIVE Currently_PTU