Separate PTU and Live to different games in the steam liberally

Nov 15, 2021
What about to separate PTU and Live to different games in the steam liberally. Cuz these hops cost some time and ssd recourses) We will need to down load two starbases once, i kinda already downloaded about 200+ GB in total :cry:


Veteran endo
Aug 11, 2020
I run a custom .bat file with symbolic links to not need to redownload the PTU/LIVE client several times a day. I too would like it to be a seperate application.. I do not have exact numbers, but just for the corp game night, I have downloaded approx 200GB for it, and that does not include testing of new features or my own builds.

For anyone interested, this is what I run. Needs to be run as administrator because it makes symbolic links, but it saves the download time.. sadly steam still validates the files.. which takes quite some time.
@echo off
title PTU-LIVE file swap
set steamDir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbase"
set liveDir=C:\Starbase
set ptuDir=C:\Starbase
set saveDir=C:\Starbase

IF exist %saveDir%\Currently_PTU (
  echo going to LIVE!
  rmdir %steamDir%
  mklink /D %steamDir% %liveDir%\LIVE
  ren %saveDir%\Currently_PTU Currently_LIVE
) else (
  echo going to PTU!
  rmdir %steamDir%
  mklink /D %steamDir% %ptuDir%\PTU
  ren %saveDir%\Currently_LIVE Currently_PTU
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