Ship size limit?

Aug 6, 2020
Is there a maximum amount of blocks a single ship can be or is it just based on the stability of the frame?


Veteran endo
Aug 11, 2020
Currently there is yes, though as I understand it thats a performance limit placed in and has been known to change where the limit is. FrostByte have mentioned they want large capital ships too. In the future I expect it to go up slightly, and with beam welding implemented the other day, In theory it already did go up just then via fewer bolting joints consuming that limit.

Someone with CA access will have to correct me for the following, but AFAIK there is nothing stopping you from bolting/welding together 'segments' at the moment to make something larger than max size, because AFAIK only the editor has size restrictions placed on it? This line is speculation, someone with CA access, or FrostByte, will have to confirm or deny this, and this is based purely on my observations of others playing.

cranky corvid

Well-known endo
Aug 25, 2019
AFAIK, going over the component limits by joining multiple constructs outside of the editor disables the ship's thrusters. I'm not sure whether that also applies to the limits the size of the editor area imposes on the physical dimensions of a ship, however.