Welcome to Starbase Community News, bringing you the latest comings and goings from the Starbase community! This is a new monthly article series, where we take a look at what players have been up to in-game and what the community's creative minds have put together recently.
The month of October, the spookiest of the year for many, has been an active one in the community, both on the Discord server and here on the forums. Several new Alpha updates came out, including a Halloween-themed update on the 26th, and players have been busy designing, building and testing ships.
Community Highlights
XenoCow Entertainment brings a new ByteSized tutorial on Plasma Cannon/Thrower assembly. You can find the entire playlist of Bytesized tutorials here!
Meanwhile, Simulator Haven guides us through setting up a generator automation script using YOLOL. Did you miss watching their Simulations vs. Apollo Squadron's battle live? No worries! You can find the recording of the match here!
Kodey Podey showcases a Ship Designer timelapse video of their recent ship project.
Would you like to contribute? To submit something to Community Highlights, contact us via e-mail at community@frozenbyte.com with the subject headline "Starbase Community Highlights"! Note: We reserve the right to curate suggested content and cannot guarantee all submissions will be published.
Screenshot Showcase

By Mr. Extinct

By Duke_Ironhelm

By some1gee

By Deleted User
Want to submit your own screenshot(s) for Screenshot Showcase? Post them in this forum thread here or e-mail them to us at community@frozenbyte.com with the subject headline "Screenshot Showcase"! Remember to mention who the submission is from and what name you want to be credited.
Fanwork Showcase

Okim#4433 on Discord shared this image of a Starting Area Map, which is looking incredibly useful in tackling the immense size of the game's starting area! The map is part of an Alpha Tester Guide, which can be found here in its entirety.

Sturmtreiber#2985 on Discord has created a miniature of one of Duratech's ships using a 3D pen. Amazing!

Just look at this very spooky Bob fanart by GooseHughes#2784 on Discord! Very appropriate for the spookiest month of the year, don't you think?
Meanwhile, numbers949#5728 on Discord brought something equally spooky: something of an eldritch horror endo. Chills, but such a cool concept!

Awesome logo designs and recreations of existing Starbase logos from Glux!

Duke#4988 on Discord has envisioned what the periodic table might look like in the Starbase universe!

And finally, one of our very own Community Managers, ElluFB has drawn a humanized version of Dr. Bolt and Bob!
Want to showcase your fanart, fanfic, videos and/or cool content here in the coming issues? Submit it to us via e-mail at community@frozenbyte.com with the subject headline "Fanwork Showcase"! Remember to mention who the submission is from and what name you want to be credited. All sorts of fanworks are welcome, but we will not post works that contain NSFW or otherwise mature, inappropriate or offensive content.

We hope you've enjoyed this issue of the Starbase Community News. See you next month and happy Halloween!