Starbase Progress Notes: Week 1 (2021)


Forever locked into The Pool
Sep 6, 2019
Starbase Progress Notes: Week 1 (2021)
January 4th - 8th

Hello everyone. Here are the first Starbase Progress Notes of 2021!

Please note that the "Progress Notes" are different from the Starbase Alpha "Patch Notes". Progress Notes are snippets from the development team and what has been worked on during the previous week, and many of the features might not be present in the current or upcoming builds of the Closed Alpha. Some features, especially in the design portion, can be subject to change as the development continues.


User Interface
  • Mailing system design is in the works
  • UI elements have been worked on for Ship and Station Manager UI's new functionality
Spaceship Designer
  • Control table angle support 45 and Control table stand 45 icons have been fixed
  • Window Frame 192x36x24 cm has been moved to Windows folder as it is transparent
  • New 15, 30 and 45 degree beams and plates are being tested and finalized
    • More snap points for plates added for easier automatic snapping
    • Rotate/Move tool gadget visualization now shows in correct position with new 15, 30 and 45 beams and plates
  • Old 30 degree beam names have been modified to match with the new 30 degree beams
  • The Sled has been removed from Sunny Ship Center and Vasama has been added back
  • Argentavian Federation player ship shop is being worked on


  • Some fixes have been made for ship host transfer failing in some cases
  • Fast travel should now end correctly even if the ship flies using its thrusters
  • An optional warning message is shown for players on ships with durability errors
  • Ships with durability errors apply a "safe mode" by default, avoiding damage due to thruster use
  • Ships avoid leaving safe zones by default
  • Ship collisions now affect their residual speed, reducing for example drifting when an impact occurs in the opposite direction
  • Detached pilot chairs should no longer leave active quick binds stuck
  • A fix has been made for station transponder signal disappearing if player restarts the game more than a cell away from the station
  • Pressing the "Edit" button on station terminals is now prevented if the station's resignation has been initiated
In-game Designers
  • A fix has been made for rotate tool widget appearing in the wrong position for objects that have a custom center of rotation point defined


Animations and Emotes
  • Rummage animations have been polished (1st person)
  • Empty fire animations have been started (trying to shoot with no ammo, 1st person)
Stations and Cities
  • Skyscraper Roof 01 has been finished
  • Level art is being worked on for Chemosh and Kbot spaceship shops
Weapons and Armor
  • Some incorrect directional properties have been corrected to Hit effects of several handheld weapons
  • Visual updates have been made to Missile and Torpedo Hit VFX: some optimizations and matched sizing to better fit damage area
  • Updates have been made to Remote Explosive VFX. Added debris trails and 'stronger blast': better scaled FX to match damage area
  • Inventory icons have been added for the 15, 30, 45 degree plate assets

As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!


Active endo
Aug 9, 2019
  • Ship collisions now affect their residual speed, reducing for example drifting when an impact occurs in the opposite direction
Dang man this is huge, this should help make collisions way more logical and less bouncy
Dec 13, 2020
When will you take alpha invites up again? Cant wait to try the game, and helping you by reporting bugs etc. :)


Veteran endo
May 22, 2020
It might be a short one, but still, some interesting code changes mentioned here... Looking forward to seeing them in-game.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
When will you take alpha invites up again? Cant wait to try the game, and helping you by reporting bugs etc. :)
most likely after this weeks update, there are some bad bugs which stops new players progressing, these must be fixed first and I'm sure they will ramp up invites once again


Learned-to-sprint endo
Aug 16, 2019
Happy Holidays! looking forward to continued progress on this already great game!
Jan 14, 2021
Starbase Progress Notes: Week 1 (2021)
January 4th - 8th

Hello everyone. Here are the first Starbase Progress Notes of 2021!

Please note that the "Progress Notes" are different from the Starbase Alpha "Patch Notes". Progress Notes are snippets from the development team and what has been worked on during the previous week, and many of the features might not be present in the current or upcoming builds of the Closed Alpha. Some features, especially in the design portion, can be subject to change as the development continues.


User Interface
  • Mailing system design is in the works
  • UI elements have been worked on for Ship and Station Manager UI's new functionality
Spaceship Designer
  • Control table angle support 45 and Control table stand 45 icons have been fixed
  • Window Frame 192x36x24 cm has been moved to Windows folder as it is transparent
  • New 15, 30 and 45 degree beams and plates are being tested and finalized
    • More snap points for plates added for easier automatic snapping
    • Rotate/Move tool gadget visualization now shows in correct position with new 15, 30 and 45 beams and plates
  • Old 30 degree beam names have been modified to match with the new 30 degree beams
  • The Sled has been removed from Sunny Ship Center and Vasama has been added back
  • Argentavian Federation player ship shop is being worked on


  • Some fixes have been made for ship host transfer failing in some cases
  • Fast travel should now end correctly even if the ship flies using its thrusters
  • An optional warning message is shown for players on ships with durability errors
  • Ships with durability errors apply a "safe mode" by default, avoiding damage due to thruster use
  • Ships avoid leaving safe zones by default
  • Ship collisions now affect their residual speed, reducing for example drifting when an impact occurs in the opposite direction
  • Detached pilot chairs should no longer leave active quick binds stuck
  • A fix has been made for station transponder signal disappearing if player restarts the game more than a cell away from the station
  • Pressing the "Edit" button on station terminals is now prevented if the station's resignation has been initiated
In-game Designers
  • A fix has been made for rotate tool widget appearing in the wrong position for objects that have a custom center of rotation point defined


Animations and Emotes
  • Rummage animations have been polished (1st person)
  • Empty fire animations have been started (trying to shoot with no ammo, 1st person)
Stations and Cities
  • Skyscraper Roof 01 has been finished
  • Level art is being worked on for Chemosh and Kbot spaceship shops
Weapons and Armor
  • Some incorrect directional properties have been corrected to Hit effects of several handheld weapons
  • Visual updates have been made to Missile and Torpedo Hit VFX: some optimizations and matched sizing to better fit damage area
  • Updates have been made to Remote Explosive VFX. Added debris trails and 'stronger blast': better scaled FX to match damage area
  • Inventory icons have been added for the 15, 30, 45 degree plate assets

As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!