Starbase Progress Notes: Week 20 (2020)

Kane Hart

Veteran endo
Aug 9, 2019
The rest of us wanna play too! Open early access already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The game is in Alpha of course everyone knows. But I don't think it's suitable just yet for larger scale testing. I'm worried it would burn people out and give too much of a bad impression when many things are disabled or not fully implemented yet.

Big part of the game is Universe expansion that probbly will not happen till the Start of Early Access as well. Building Stations, Trading Posts, Highways, etc.

So I do feel like keeping it a tad smaller for now is in their best interest.

That being said I'm very impressed in the weeks worth of work they did here :)
May 9, 2020
The game is in Alpha of course everyone knows. But I don't think it's suitable just yet for larger scale testing. I'm worried it would burn people out and give too much of a bad impression when many things are disabled or not fully implemented yet.

Big part of the game is Universe expansion that probbly will not happen till the Start of Early Access as well. Building Stations, Trading Posts, Highways, etc.

So I do feel like keeping it a tad smaller for now is in their best interest.

That being said I'm very impressed in the weeks worth of work they did here :)
I can’t speak for everyone, but I also participate in game dev. As a systems engineer, I would like to test and possibly lay some foundations for the game at this early stage. Of course, they can vary greatly from what the developers plan. But I would like to believe that my participation will be able to change something and do better.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
It's nice to be able to see these progress notes in context now since we can see what goes on in CA. It is clear that you all are listening to what your testers are saying. Good work!
Jan 3, 2020
I'm really glad to see so much progress be made in just a single week, looks like the closed alpha has helped everyone all round, the Testers go around trying to break the game and find bugs so the Devs don't have to do it alone, then they can zone in on the coding that needs to be worked on, can't wait to see what manufacturing is going to look like now that it's being injected into the Alpha.
Oct 16, 2019
Everything is looking pretty slick and awesome guys!! Keep up the awesome work! Gotta say ready for yall to take my money but I have so much respect for your treatment of the community. Can't wait to see what comes next!


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Feb 7, 2020
Patiently, awaiting this games eventual release. Just like everyone else we have to wait till we either get an alpha key or the game gets released. I am curious though whether or not this game will be released in 2020 still. Do you guys have a potential estimate for when you might be done? Of course you don't have to answer me if your not ready, I'm just simply curious, I'd much rather you guys spend your time making sure that this game is ready for the full load of the public.
Apr 8, 2020
Starbase Progress Notes: Week 20 (2020)
May 11th - 15th

Hello everyone, it is time for progress notes again. Enjoy!


  • Mining job rewards have been increased by 50%, also outer materials will get higher rewards from the Collecting Area and inner materials will get higher rewards from the small Collector
  • The mining job collectors effective area has been increased: ore nuggets are now collected more efficiently from the workstation area
  • Spawn area markings added to Asteroid Mining Job workshops where asteroids spawns; this helps in multiplayer to identify area where players should not stand when spawning new asteroids
  • Modular Ore Cargo Crate inventory slot size was changed from 1x1 to 2x2, it can now be placed only to large slots
  • New instructions screen were added to Mining Job and the lua files have been configured
  • Economy configurations made for stations turning ore into refined materials
  • Empire Outpost trade value was adjusted: some ores are now less valuable
  • Two new armor sets were added to the economy
  • Design worked on for recovery/towing feature improvements
  • Design for device connection (plug/cable/pipe) highlights were updated
    • Universal tool designs have been updated, combining them with new Spaceship Designer design
  • Design for company tax system worked on
  • Trade window design for ships is underway
  • Notification improvements worked on for group, company and friend requests
  • Different trading options have been worked on (player-player, player-company and public trading/auctions)
  • Socket tool (Socket accidental removal issues): Sockets can't be no longer collected, if there is cable, pipe or device (hybrid button etc.) connected to the socket; Also bolted socket can't be collected
  • Lot Designer's Asset Browser has been updated:
    • Folder and module names have been changed to be more easy to understand
    • Small hall modules have been added to the "Halls" folder
    • Everything is now in size- and type-based order; Bug in the alphabetical order code has been fixed
  • "Small hall 7" has been changed into "Medium Hall 17"
  • Spaceship modules and tutorial ship updated: Propellant tank supports have now pipe ports open by default
  • Hauler, Carrier and Tugger have been added to the list of premade ships in Spaceship Designer
  • Anubis has been reworked with new cockpit, durability fixes and new panels


  • An issue where building lamps was not possible in lots has been fixed. Lamps also now light the environment as designed
  • Device fields disappearing from the Universal tool if their names are set to nothing has been fixed
  • Welding Tool is now being able to build unbuildable holograms in lots
  • Lot building progress is now module-by-module in lots, starting from the lot doorway: i.e. modules not connected to a doorway through a module with a complete framework cannot be built until a connection is established
  • MFC IDs should no longer run out
  • Despawning a ship with active thrusters no longer produces an exhausts related assert
  • Durability testing colors have been improved, including yellow highlight for otherwise valid beams that are not parts of an existing frame
  • Durability has been modified to accept beam connections in 15-degree steps when considering validity for the frame
  • Small errors in ship prices shown to client have been fixed
  • Container code has been updated (a typo caused ores to get lost in some specific situations)
  • An issue where LODs were not showing for specific derelict ships has been fixed
  • Ship recovery feature is underway
  • Ships can no longer be collected when they are bolted to an asteroid
  • Sockets can no longer be removed if they are attached to pipes, cables, buttons, or if something is bolted to it
  • Newly built missiles should now lock properly
User Interface
  • Resource bridge getting stuck when despawning the ship while connected has been fixed
  • Mouse hovering not working in mining backpack UI when scrolling has been fixed
  • An issue with cargo crates being "inside" cargo crates has been fixed
  • Issues with adding Cargo crates to station storage and dropping them out from it (with and without ore) have been fixed
  • Crate slots not working correctly when scrolling the UI has been fixed.
  • Ore crate becoming unusable if an ore crate is disconnected while ore is being dragged has been fixed
  • A more convenient way for developers to read bug reports from the Feedback tool is being implemented
  • Audio support has been added to Cable Tool and Pipe Tool
  • Spaceship Designer's object manipulation sounds and button release sounds have been plugged in
  • Support has been added for Spaceship Designer's asset browser search field and visibility/lock buttons
  • Music system is now prevented from entering battle state when ship received damage from a player inside
Spaceship Designer
  • "Exit without saving" button has been added to the File menu
  • Pressing "File" / "New" now autosaves to a blueprint before resetting the scene
  • Pressing "File" / "Save Blueprint and Buy Custom Ship" will now properly save, buy and exit instead of just saving on the first attempt
  • Saving and save prompts are now prevented when nothing has changed in the scene since the last save
  • Player movement bounds have been added. If the player reaches the 50 km movement bounds border they get a message that recommends turning back
  • Better placeholder stringification of timestamps added to blueprints in the object browser
  • Unnecessary lot designer error spam has been reduced
  • Assert on failed action redo has been fixed
  • An issue where open scene parameters reset on test mode visit has been fixed
  • MUUS memory usage on actions that get sent over network has been optimized
  • Spaceship Designer now uses 64 bit floats for transformation operations
  • Color settings have been added for My Selection and other selection highlights
  • Default options not reloading if the user has an options file from a future build has been fixed
  • An issue where modules were not sorted correctly in lot editor has been fixed
  • Custom color index feature has been added to menu label pairs in SpaceTooltip
  • Colorisation has been added to the paint info tooltip text based on paint usage level
  • Tool switch has been added to SSCPlacement when an object is picked and paint tool is active, resetting active tool to select-tool
Planets and Moons
  • Player surface movement glitching on steep moon hills has been fixed
  • Assert in editor has been fixed when warping to a moon that isn't the first one due to mismanagement on shared terrain object collision generation tasks


  • New animation has been made for unarmed stand idle: all related animations have been updated to match the new pose (emotes, transitions etc.)
  • Emote_cough has been polished, emote_thumbs2 up down aim animations have been finished and configured
  • Run stop animations (rifle) have been polished
  • Final exterior decoration updates done for medium-sized hall modules
  • Work hub assembly hall decoration updated
  • Various decorative station assets with broken automated LODs have been manually fixed
  • UI: material icons updated to 2x size
  • UI: inventory category icons updated to 2x size
  • Level of detail (LOD) models have been created for the player drone base model
  • LOD optimization for moon rocks is in the making
  • Some moon related bugs have been fixed
  • Two new colored armorset combinations have been added to shops (Wedge and Trooper)
  • Snow material has undergone some fixes and ice material has been created
  • Parts for Starsol and Seneschal visuals in-game ad concepts are in the making


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As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!
I don't understand why I should use cooler cells when there are radiators ...


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Feb 7, 2020
I don't understand why I should use cooler cells when there are radiators ...
Radiators get hot and have to be cooled, otherwise they would overheat. Personally I like the idea of coolant cells since it make the game feel more realistic. how hot do you think a computer gets without its fans for example? without fans your computer would likely melt.


Well-known endo
May 16, 2020
"Mining job rewards have been increased by 50%, also outer materials will get higher rewards from the Collecting Area and inner materials will get higher rewards from the small Collector "

Nice! Mo Money, Mo Stuff To Do!
Sounds like a pretty engaging way to do the starter mining having to separate it up making the process less dumb manual work and more "a game" (love the credits / minute counter for efficiency and personal highscore / goal making)

This is the first time "killing rats" wont be totally mindnumbing busy work! Great job! :D
heavy payday inbound