Starbase Progress Notes: Week 26 (2020)
June 22nd - 26th
Hello everyone. Here are the progress notes of Week 26, hope you enjoy!
Animations and emotes
As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!
June 22nd - 26th
Hello everyone. Here are the progress notes of Week 26, hope you enjoy!
- Armor set themed weapons have been added to the economy
- Economy configurations, fixes and design have been worked on:
- Weapon set pricing has been adjusted
- Adjustments and fixes have been made to the crafting data
- Weapons and electronics have been updated with less used and more logical materials
- Player-to-player trading design has undergone fixes
- Auction House logic for viewing auctions has been improved on
- Auction House usability has been improved and sell page has been simplified
- Spaceship shop for players to sell their own ships is being made
- Colliding art assets in Small Hall 5 have been removed
- "Hallway End" -modules' priority snaps have been lowered, resulting in better alignment with the rest of the hallways
- Housing slots in Starting station have been replaced with un-rentable ones, in preparation for the upcoming Proia Station
- "Small hall 8" has been added to the Lot Designer
- Angled beam 72x72: Attachment plates should now snap better
- 30 degree beams short ends should now snap together
- Small improvements and fixes have been made for player-to-player trade
- Player position update has been modified to fix projectiles not to unintentionally hit moving players (for example self shot ship projectiles)
- Recovering despawned ships is now possible
- Ship recovery should now successfully despawn ships in local station even if spawning fails
- Unauthorized removal of bolts should no longer be possible in the safe zone
- Durability's Spaceship Designer colors and the misplaced "beam not connected to the largest frame section" warnings have been fixed
- "Torque deadzone" now adapts also to highly maneuverable ships, reducing issues with the 1/10000 thrust level steps
- An issue where thrusters would operate with outdated input values when the device requirements were restored has been fixed
- RangeFinderDevice not hitting its own entity has been fixed
- Lot building not progressing beyond the first pieces has been fixed
- Closing inventory causing lag has been fixed
- Auction House Sell Tab is being worked on: Dragging functionality has been added to work with the slots as well as rendering of UI elements
- Page buttons have been added to Auction House pages
- Trade now gets rejected when the player that doesn't accept the trade modifies the offer
- All received trade requests are now rejected when sending a request, so both players don't have active requests from each other
- Complex item tooltips and magazine amount not showing correctly to the other player has been fixed
- Trading backpacks with items inside has been prevented
- Dragged items being dropped in the world when trade was cancelled has been fixed
- Rearranging items in the trade window with double-click has been prevented
- Bolt Tool helper now warns if there is a bolt profile that is not in usable place
- V-snap tool doesn't interact with locked layer objects anymore
- A number of issues that occurred when exiting the game via ALT+F4 or similar means while in the Spaceship Designer have been fixed
- 'Save finished' and 'load finished' log messages have been added to the bottom of the screen
- Saving has been prevented when CTRL+S or File/Save is pressed and there are no changes in the scene
- Blueprint upload failing when scene is saved after visiting the test mode has been fixed
- Pipe, cable and furniture layer opacity settings have been added to settings menu
- A bug that caused the settings menu to get stuck in certain situation has been fixed
- The brush plane depth slider has been adjusted to increments of 0.25 (previously 0.05)
- Temporary modifiers preventing component base color from being properly updated have been fixed
- An optional auto deselect feature has been added that deselects highlighted parts upon switching to the paint tool
- SSCProperties toggle has been added to temporarily disable premium colors
Animations and emotes
- New gameplay animations are underway: move stop to prone, move stop for relaxed run with a rifle, move stop for run with a tool, move stop for run with pickaxe (+relaxed)
- Midair death animations polished
- Tweaks made to jump and landing related animations (1st person)
- Emote_scorn and emote_tantrum are in the making
- Projectile for rail gun turret is in the works
- Autocannon muzzle flash and projectile effects have been modified
- Antigel rifle effects have been updated
- Battlerifle effects have been updated: hit FX, muzzle flash, and correct reload FX added to the weapon
- VIS Headquarters A and Empire VIS Headquarters: red color has been adjusted to be deeper and sharper, updated model and texture maps have been added for the office floor
- FarLOD model and texture maps of Mass Transit Side Stop have been updated
- Marketplace updates
- Main Hall exterior decorations have been updated
- Hangar exterior decorations have been updated
- Holograms are in the making
- Blue light strips for imperial capital station are in the making
- Initial object (rock) placements for all current large ice asteroids have been made
- L-sized sharp asteroid rock formations have been made
- UI icons have been made for the ammo categories
- Bastion armorset's texture and paintjob quality has been polished

As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!