Stone Age Battle?


Veteran endo
Mar 13, 2020
We don't have a basic radar or something to show other ships in UI.
Third person perspective when driving ship is also not allowed.
We also don't have any FTL travel or other fast travel device.
And we won't have shield.
We can't even place turntable thrusters or other moveable ship parts.
It's not a space battle, it's more like a Stone Age battle.
Seems like we can only drive our steady ships and using our eyes to catch our enemy and let the iron plates to crash each other by little cannon or something.
At the same time, we should travel days under the limitation of speed.
Come on, it's not SF at all!


Veteran endo
Mar 13, 2020
I say we should at least release other things that not hard to control the balance and also feeling SF.
We're playing a game with robots in space, right?


Well-known endo
Apr 30, 2020
Agreeing on no 3rd person and no turntable thrusters being a problem.
There will be FTL in CA.
If we don't have shields, auto repair is needed. I don't want to manually fill every small hole on my armor after a fight with an autogun opponent.


Veteran endo
Mar 13, 2020
Agreeing on no 3rd person and no turntable thrusters being a problem.
There will be FTL in CA.
If we don't have shields, auto repair is needed. I don't want to manually fill every small hole on my armor after a fight with an autogun opponent.
We may have gates but won't be able to jump freely to or from almost any where, And also we don't have any giant weapon. It's also not SF.


Well-known endo
Apr 30, 2020
We may have gates but won't be able to jump freely to or from almost any where, And also we don't have any giant weapon. It's also not SF.
Oh yes big weapons. No reason to build big ships if there are no big guns. Also maybe some extra big guns for station defense.
Apr 23, 2020
I think this is very good, very romantic and hard core, plasma shield can't appear. Shields encourage people to think badly about key protection and armor layout, but use a soap bubble to cover their ridiculous hull.

Misuse of third-person perspective may encourage people to think badly about their cockpit vision. Therefore, banning the third-person perspective of the ship is very helpful to screen out those who only want to play unreasonable space fighter fighting and do not design the details of the ship.

No radar can help players develop the habit of paying attention to them. This is fair and very exciting. Think about it, you can hide behind the enemy instantly, and he ca n’t find you at all.

This is the wonderful space, not the ridiculous [COD in space] and [Space Ace Combat].
Aug 9, 2019
For me myself most of these are acceptable. But since space can be pretty hostile, I do agree that the game could use some kind of simple radar to enhance situation awareness while players still need to pay some extra attention to surroundings.
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Well-known endo
Apr 30, 2020
I think this is very good, very romantic and hard core, plasma shield can't appear. Shields encourage people to think badly about key protection and armor layout, but use a soap bubble to cover their ridiculous hull.

Misuse of third-person perspective may encourage people to think badly about their cockpit vision. Therefore, banning the third-person perspective of the ship is very helpful to screen out those who only want to play unreasonable space fighter fighting and do not design the details of the ship.

No radar can help players develop the habit of paying attention to them. This is fair and very exciting. Think about it, you can hide behind the enemy instantly, and he ca n’t find you at all.

This is the wonderful space, not the ridiculous [COD in space] and [Space Ace Combat].
I don't want [COD in space] but I don't want [war thunder simulator mode in space] as well.
If there is a way to not mundanely repair ships I will happily abandon shields.
Radar is a bit tricky, as it is 3d space. No opinion on that one.
But 3rd person gives you the ability to see your ship, That's enjoyment and reward for building your ship, someting that the game is mainly focused on. It's also much easier to pilot, so does not push people who don't have the talent of a real world pilot away from the game.
Apr 23, 2020
I don't want [COD in space] but I don't want [war thunder simulator mode in space] as well.
If there is a way to not mundanely repair ships I will happily abandon shields.
Radar is a bit tricky, as it is 3d space. No opinion on that one.
But 3rd person gives you the ability to see your ship, That's enjoyment and reward for building your ship, someting that the game is mainly focused on. It's also much easier to pilot, so does not push people who don't have the talent of a real world pilot away from the game.
I don't know what is [war thunder simulator mode in space] ,But I think we should learn from the Microsoft Flight Simulator and DCS, keep the pilot as close to the cockpit as possible, and watch the driving tools and instrument panel instead of looking at the spaceship. This will be a great immersive experience. You are a pilot, not A boat, you are manipulating a behemoth, which is very exciting!


Well-known endo
Apr 30, 2020
I don't know what is [war thunder simulator mode in space] ,But I think we should learn from the Microsoft Flight Simulator and DCS, keep the pilot as close to the cockpit as possible, and watch the driving tools and instrument panel instead of looking at the spaceship. This will be a great immersive experience. You are a pilot, not A boat, you are manipulating a behemoth, which is very exciting!
I get that sometimes you want realism at play, but that's not always the case and not for everyone. Look at War Thunder. There are many times more people playing arcade/history than people playing simulator, the first two are in 3rd person and the last is locked in first person. First person driving can be fun, but only for those who can do it. For a new player 1st person will be a nightmare when it comes to docking, landing, mining with ship equipment and avoiding obstacles. This poses a huge entry barrier on new players.
Apr 23, 2020
I get that sometimes you want realism at play, but that's not always the case and not for everyone. Look at War Thunder. There are many times more people playing arcade/history than people playing simulator, the first two are in 3rd person and the last is locked in first person. First person driving can be fun, but only for those who can do it. For a new player 1st person will be a nightmare when it comes to docking, landing, mining with ship equipment and avoiding obstacles. This poses a huge entry barrier on new players.

I think the entry barrier is very very meaningful, which can screen out players who are not adapted to the SB hard core game mode, so as not to affect the health of the game environment.


Well-known endo
Apr 30, 2020
I think the entry barrier is very very meaningful, which can screen out players who are not adapted to the SB hard core game mode, so as not to affect the health of the game environment.
I don't think screening people with motion sickness out of the game will make it more hardcore.
Apr 23, 2020
I don't think screening people with motion sickness out of the game will make it more hardcore.
It seems that FB must give a hint: patients with motion sickness are prohibited from participating in the spacecraft driving activities, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the patients themselves.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Do people get motion sick from first person flying on a 2D screen? I know I can get sick while doing flight stuff in VR but never on a flat screen.

I don't know that radar is very necessary. The ships already have very long thruster trails and the radio transmitters and receivers can work to distinguish friend or foe.

As for 3rd person, They will likely have cameras eventually, the devs are definitely talking about them. So, you could have a camera out on a boom that gives you a chase perspective of your ship. Alternatively, you could have your cockpit placed in a position that makes seeing all of your ship easier. I enjoy being forced into 1st person perspectives because while I play games I like to imagine that I am there, not an observer.

Overall, I can understand why you would want some more fantastical elements of gameplay. However, I think that Starbase is about being hands on and building solutions for your problems, rather than getting handed the answers through devices. Although the technology may not all seem to add up, I think that the limited technology makes the world more interesting and leaves more room for the players to invent.


Veteran endo
Mar 13, 2020
Do people get motion sick from first person flying on a 2D screen? I know I can get sick while doing flight stuff in VR but never on a flat screen.

I don't know that radar is very necessary. The ships already have very long thruster trails and the radio transmitters and receivers can work to distinguish friend or foe.

As for 3rd person, They will likely have cameras eventually, the devs are definitely talking about them. So, you could have a camera out on a boom that gives you a chase perspective of your ship. Alternatively, you could have your cockpit placed in a position that makes seeing all of your ship easier. I enjoy being forced into 1st person perspectives because while I play games I like to imagine that I am there, not an observer.

Overall, I can understand why you would want some more fantastical elements of gameplay. However, I think that Starbase is about being hands on and building solutions for your problems, rather than getting handed the answers through devices. Although the technology may not all seem to add up, I think that the limited technology makes the world more interesting and leaves more room for the players to invent.
You wont be able to identify your enemy with the tail when there are 10 or more ships right?
And only two color for thrusters, your friend ship may look just like your enemy's.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
You could have a radio transmitter that says what side you are on and a receiver that points forward so that when you point at a friendly it will say on a display in your ship that they are friendly.