The dark side of MMO's... or "how to stop me taking your stuff..."

Feb 7, 2020
o/ Hello to all the wondrous automata, clickidy clack computers on legs, and those that bolt cat ears to your heads...

Thought id start the processors going before the big day of us all getting in game by questioning the age ol tradition of griefing. OR the taking of other people’s stuff against their will in underhanded and frowned upon means not restricted to but also possibly including...

Area Camping
Market scams
"Let me hold that for you"
Joining a corporation/faction and taking everything bolted down
Exploiting exploits
*insert something I haven’t thought of*

What do you think is acceptable, is anything bannable, if you can do it in game is that ok?
Don’t get me wrong I realise that in any game like this that there are always those people that keep us honest and shed the glorious tears that fuel our machinations. But what is too far? What will constitute a bounty, or a witch hunt, or a ban, or even a patch?

Bonus points for ideas of getting around systems like safe areas...

(Voice your thoughts, not saying what’s right or wrong. Also I don’t just mean stealing, destroying others stuff for no physical benefit included).
Nov 12, 2019
Well, generally, those aspects are highly frowned on, and measures can be put into place by the corporate leadership. The above is already happening in a game that has corporate espionage. EVE. Exploits are and always have been bannable, but it comes down to the player base whether they will accept such acts on a large scale.

Besides, I'd like to bring up Atlas. Raid/attack hours might have to be established, so a group does have a chance to defend over being pushed over.

P.S Piracy is just going to happen; there will always be outlaw groups.
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Well-known endo
Feb 5, 2020
I played EVE for years. Some of the most insane stories I have heard come from that game’s community. Honestly, I feel like the only thing that should be bannable is exploiting. If something is possible in the game (piracy, sabatoge, etc.) I don’t think it should be bannable. The devs will eventually catch exploits, but they might not catch the person doing it. That’s where the community comes in. If someone sees an exploit in action, they should screenshot and report it so it doesn’t become a plague and the devs can fix it.


Veteran endo
Aug 22, 2019
Pretty much all the listed things (except exploits) seem like they are just part of the game and already have their own consequences.
-Area camping is annoying, but it also means you're an easy to find target.
-If a player falls for a scam, then that sucks, but it's their own fault.
-If a player steals from a wealthy faction, then that player just ticked off a wealthy faction that can now make their life hell.
-Piracy and sabotage just seem like part of the game, and are already inherently risky, because if you get caught by someone who's willing and able to fight back, well then...

The only thing that is truly breaking the game for others is exploits/hacks.

If players are finding the pvp aspect of the game too hard, then either stay in or close to safezones, which devs have already said are going to be massive, or join a faction for safety in numbers.


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Feb 15, 2020
All of our experiences in life and gaming have shown that people will find the holes in any system you design, and any rules you enforce.

If the developers put in place elegant systems, then it will reduce the impact of any cheating that will take place. Trying to police the playerbase won't work; there are always far too many players with a lot of time on their hands.

For example, you have to assume aimbotting will take place, and design the weapons in the game with that in mind i.e. avoid instant hitscan weapons, lower projectile speeds.

You also have to assume every process that can be botted will be. Ideally you build the bots/automation into the game to allow all players to take advantage of them, and also design the game to remove the need for them. If people want to automate something, let them, and design the economy with that in mind.