Here's the original, one and only, Faction Member Count pie chart made by yours truly, and only yours truly.*
I originally planned on having 100 factions added to the list. However, I stopped short, at 63 factions. But, hey, 63 out of 100 is still technically not an F. The reason I had to stop the project was simple: I couldn't satisfy anyone or everyone.
I couldn't use an API or anything to gather the data because I didn't know how to use that stuff. Essentially, my method was manually joining as many Starbase faction server and getting their member count. However, as I tried to make sure the numbers were as correct as I could personally get them, I made the process of getting the member count sometimes a little tedious.
First, I join the server. Whether by community ad or by someone personally inviting me, I found my way into the server. One of the first questions I ask is "Is this a Starbase oriented faction?" The reason for this is because there are many servers with absolutely massive numbers which aren't remotely dedicated to Starbase. And it's at this moment that a certain something hits the fan.
If you've been staring at the top of the list and you've also somehow been reading my tirade, good job for being able to read. But also, you might've already noticed that there are some huge inconsistencies between how I say my method works and my actual final results. Yes, some of the factions in the list are not dedicated Starbase factions. However, please do not take this as a sign of laziness or half-arsedness. If I didn't care about the list, if I didn't give a damn about the accuracy, I wouldn't have been constantly updating it, adding a "Last Updated" list, and making corrections daily. I always read the faction info to check if they were primarily or plan to be primarily Starbase. This didn't always work, and when I asked others in the faction for clarification, it wasn't always clear. Basically, I was doomed on this front. One man can only do so much in 5 days.
Next, the most important part of the Faction Member Count list. The member counts. How did I get them? Well, it varied. A lot. And yes, there are minor inconsistencies that give some factions slightly more people and some factions slightly less. However, I did make lots of corrections when told about a mistake, so they should be more minimized, but don't get your hopes up; There are definitely errors that are in this final list.
Basically, for the majority of factions, I went about like this: I join the server, I ask higher-ups for a member count. When they inevitably ask why, I just post the list ;D. They always understand. Always. At this stage, you might immediately notice how the member count might be severely affected by a higher up's judgement. I tried to minimize this with questions and clarifications where relevant. For example, I usually ask for the member count like this: "I need your faction member count, excluding all diplomats or non-faction members, or nonrecruited members." This was basically the first way of making sure they were getting the right number. Secondly, when they do provide a number, I always start asking questions about how they got it. I ask what the roles mean, I ask if there are hidden roles, I ask which roles they counted and added up. This basically ensures the number is as accurate as the person providing the numbers and answering my questions.
Yes, there is subjectivity in the member count. If you don't trust my judgement, I apologize. For you, this is nothing but a long, lying, laminated, deceiving list. I can't change that, I suppose. However, if you do happen to trust my judgement, that's your choice. Whether or not you agree with my method, and whether or not the numbers are correct to you, it doesn't matter now. This is the final version.
I won't be editing this and I won't be making another one. As you can tell, my way of going abouts to do this project has been riddled with opportunities for people to point and say "Omg! Look! Something can go wrong there!" or "Omg! Look! You did something wrong here!". And, yes, people took those opportunities to contact me, every single day, about the mistakes and errors that were in the list. Due to the nature of the list, it was only a matter of time before I was getting tugged at not only by individuals but by entire factions. One faction pointing out an error in the other, and then the other faction pointing out an error in theirs. Then there's me, in the crossfire, trying to survive.
It's impossible to satisfy everyone. That's a fact. I knew that as much. But I also learned that it was impossible to satisfy anyone. I take this project personally, as a lesson to be learned. Have a good day.
I originally planned on having 100 factions added to the list. However, I stopped short, at 63 factions. But, hey, 63 out of 100 is still technically not an F. The reason I had to stop the project was simple: I couldn't satisfy anyone or everyone.
I couldn't use an API or anything to gather the data because I didn't know how to use that stuff. Essentially, my method was manually joining as many Starbase faction server and getting their member count. However, as I tried to make sure the numbers were as correct as I could personally get them, I made the process of getting the member count sometimes a little tedious.
First, I join the server. Whether by community ad or by someone personally inviting me, I found my way into the server. One of the first questions I ask is "Is this a Starbase oriented faction?" The reason for this is because there are many servers with absolutely massive numbers which aren't remotely dedicated to Starbase. And it's at this moment that a certain something hits the fan.
If you've been staring at the top of the list and you've also somehow been reading my tirade, good job for being able to read. But also, you might've already noticed that there are some huge inconsistencies between how I say my method works and my actual final results. Yes, some of the factions in the list are not dedicated Starbase factions. However, please do not take this as a sign of laziness or half-arsedness. If I didn't care about the list, if I didn't give a damn about the accuracy, I wouldn't have been constantly updating it, adding a "Last Updated" list, and making corrections daily. I always read the faction info to check if they were primarily or plan to be primarily Starbase. This didn't always work, and when I asked others in the faction for clarification, it wasn't always clear. Basically, I was doomed on this front. One man can only do so much in 5 days.
Next, the most important part of the Faction Member Count list. The member counts. How did I get them? Well, it varied. A lot. And yes, there are minor inconsistencies that give some factions slightly more people and some factions slightly less. However, I did make lots of corrections when told about a mistake, so they should be more minimized, but don't get your hopes up; There are definitely errors that are in this final list.
Basically, for the majority of factions, I went about like this: I join the server, I ask higher-ups for a member count. When they inevitably ask why, I just post the list ;D. They always understand. Always. At this stage, you might immediately notice how the member count might be severely affected by a higher up's judgement. I tried to minimize this with questions and clarifications where relevant. For example, I usually ask for the member count like this: "I need your faction member count, excluding all diplomats or non-faction members, or nonrecruited members." This was basically the first way of making sure they were getting the right number. Secondly, when they do provide a number, I always start asking questions about how they got it. I ask what the roles mean, I ask if there are hidden roles, I ask which roles they counted and added up. This basically ensures the number is as accurate as the person providing the numbers and answering my questions.
Yes, there is subjectivity in the member count. If you don't trust my judgement, I apologize. For you, this is nothing but a long, lying, laminated, deceiving list. I can't change that, I suppose. However, if you do happen to trust my judgement, that's your choice. Whether or not you agree with my method, and whether or not the numbers are correct to you, it doesn't matter now. This is the final version.
I won't be editing this and I won't be making another one. As you can tell, my way of going abouts to do this project has been riddled with opportunities for people to point and say "Omg! Look! Something can go wrong there!" or "Omg! Look! You did something wrong here!". And, yes, people took those opportunities to contact me, every single day, about the mistakes and errors that were in the list. Due to the nature of the list, it was only a matter of time before I was getting tugged at not only by individuals but by entire factions. One faction pointing out an error in the other, and then the other faction pointing out an error in theirs. Then there's me, in the crossfire, trying to survive.
It's impossible to satisfy everyone. That's a fact. I knew that as much. But I also learned that it was impossible to satisfy anyone. I take this project personally, as a lesson to be learned. Have a good day.
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