Unable to attach modules in Easy Build mode

Jul 30, 2021
For some reason I have become unable to attach anything to my starter ship in easy build mode. It started where I was having difficulty attaching modules, such that I could snap them into place but clicking to place them caused them to rotate and clip into my ship. After messing around trying to figure it out, my ship just....vanished, and was no longer in my ship list, and I don't really know what happened to cause that. I did the tutorial again to spawn another ship, and from there I couldn't snap any modules into place, let alone attach them. The modules act like my ship isn't there, giving neither a red nor green outline, even when I move the part to clip inside the ship. As it stands I have no way to upgrade or modify my ship.
Jul 31, 2021
I had similar but different experience. Following tutorial in Easy Builder crafted 2 sets of blocks. Went to put them on. No green highlights. No auto-snapping. So when I placed the new material it clipped through the other floor. Now I can't use any tool to remove, repair, etc. I keep getting "System has a durability error" in my chat box. I couldn't replace fuel rod in my gen either after hours of rotating/attempting. Eventually got that to work (not sure if fluke) but ONLY if I had the build tool in my hand. Not sure if by design or by luck it finally went in. Will likely try to decommission ship and start tutorial over to see if fixes ship / build issues.
Jul 31, 2021
UPDATE: Decommissioned my default Labour ship. In Menu - RESET Tutorial. Spent another hour, but... this time no issues at all. When doing the EASY Build section to add core blocks fully highlighted in green. Snapped to other plates. Must have just been a glitch with that first ship. Also...when respawning that 2nd ship. I noticed it said I could do that 9 times. Good to know.