Update 28.1.2021 (Alpha 339)
New Features and Major Updates
- Asteroid Belt v3.0
- Freeform welding to player stations
- Fast Travel Gate connections between Origin Station <-> Empire Outpost B and Empire Outpost B <-> Elysium moon
- Station Transponders for Founder Stations
- Unwelding parts that have been welded to a station with the new freeform welding creates new blueprints which must not be built with Building Tool
- Building the extra blueprints may break the inventory, corrupt items or cause other issues
- Building the extra blueprints is at one's own risk, and doesn't have any benefits
- The extra blueprints disappear at restart and reloging
- Welding ore cubes to a station causes them to become invalid items when unwelded, not counting as ore anymore
- Manual welding currently not working on lots (works with autobuild and Building Tool)
- Selling more than 250 crates of ore at once via Ore Towers only pays for 250 crates
- The visual transition between near and far Asteroid Belt fog is still work in progress
- Melee animations are now synced to other players
- Polished 1st person melee animations
- Fixed gaps from walkways
- Lot Upper Alley (Small) - 1A
- Lot Upper Alley (Small) - 2A
- Removed floating "balcony walkway" which collided with other grid slots from Lot Upper Block (Large) - 1A
- Removed a misplaced decal in Kbot ship shop
- Updated the planet ring and belt fog
- Raised the belt height to 600 km
- Adjusted the asteroid configurations for the new belt height
- Updated large asteroid LODs
- New LODs are lighter on performance
- Fully loaded models of the largest asteroids are loaded farther away
- Category tree's parent categories no longer contain subcategory items
- Added proper support for auctioning items that contain multiple resources
- Added new Missile and Torpedo latch sounds
- Added new Missile and Torpedo launcher latch sounds
- Added new Laser Cannon hit sounds
- Added new unique semi-procedural music track for planetary cities
- Polished Plasma Thrower firing audio timings
- Fixed a wrong Torpedo Fuel Tank sold in the Ship Weapon shops
- Added economy to Empire Outpost B and Empire Outpost C
- Hit effects caused by unarmed melee are now synced to other players
- Added two Fast Travel Gates to Empire Outpost B
- Changed Origin Station gate to connect to Empire Outpost B (travel time: 1 minute)
- The second gate at Empire Outpost B connects to Elysium Moon (travel time: 12 minutes)
- Moved Origin Fast Travel Gate closer to the asteroid belt
- Adjusted the building restriction areas for the new routes
- Added "Allow using unarmed melee while seated" option to Settings -> Gameplay -> General
- Fixed clicking Mouse Button 2 consuming stamina for melee attacks while a tool was equipped
- Fixed swapping tools to ammo stacks in Right hand equipment slot breaking melee and hand animations
- Fixed not being able to rebind Universal Tool
- Refactored station inventory deletion
- Fixed having too many partially built pieces in the lot module making some of the started pieces unbuildable
- Removed duplicate items from the Asset Browser
- Added "UtilityConnection" device field for Resource Grid Utility Box
- Non-0 value turns the storage connection on, and 0 turns the connection off
- Bank Statement tab
- Added sorting (for Transaction, Date and Amount)
- Added clear button for search
- Fixed tooltips being created outside of intended area
- Added fixes for date filtering
- Updated buttons in Show balance since
- Changed fonts and text positions
- Added Station Transponder options to Settings -> Gameplay
- Polished Quickbar window dragging
- Missile explosions do no damage if they've been shot from inside a safe zone
- Fixed fuel being consumed after deactivation
- Added durability warning messages and visualization for excessively intersecting stacking
- Fixed ship LODs disappearing in some cases
- Fixed client players becoming temporarily disconnected from the ship and dragging behind it
- Ships that are hidden by instance areas cannot be damaged anymore
- Fixed YOLOL Rack Chip Reader bolt spot overlapping objects above the rack
- Fixed not being able to buy ships that had missiles or torpedoes with vouchers
- Added tooltips for multiple items in Machinery -> Power
- Changed Test Mode to start with Magnetic Boots off
- Updated player-made ships
- Magni
- Javelin
- Voxelwing (welding issues resolved)
- Added description for player-made ship Claymore
- Added Empire Outpost C station to the asteroid belt for convoy events
- Added Station Transponders for Founder Stations
- Origin Station
- Empire Outpost B
- Empire Outpost C
- Empire Outpost B
- Repositioned slightly
- Added Insurance transfer terminal to closest hangar to Marketplace
- Origin Station
- Added 5s ship despawn area around Ship Design Workshop's insurance terminal
- Deleted floating leftover ship shop terminal and a ship inside Duratech ship shop
- Added Marketplace to Robur station
- Prevented deleting parts that are (even partially) built in-game
- Resaving the station blueprint Station Designer removes the otherwise unremovable LOD blobs from the universe, but there is no refund for the materials used for building those station parts
- Fixed an issue that prevented opening certain player stations in the editor
- Settings menu
- Fixed an incomplete sentence in Gameplay -> Pickaxe -> MB1 interacts with Devices when holding the Pickaxe
- Fixed a typo in Spaceship Designer -> Selection & General -> Automatic Thruster renaming
- Changed "While Carrying Items" to "Carrying Items" in Settings -> Controls
- Added name for Launcher support
- Allowed welding objects freely to player stations
- Exceptions: devices, asteroids and equipable items
- Reduced power consumption from 10 to 4 per second
- Increased welding material density approximately 10%
- Causes marginal increase (less than 1%) in overall ship mass
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