Why should I not be allowed to play MP games and be forsted to single player just because others get their kicks distroying peoples work?
I never said you were not allowed. thats your choice. But, this pvp thing people like will never, ever go away. This game is obviously pvp from the get go. You making statements here about how you hate it wont change it. Even if the devs took away the ability to gank outside the safezone of the game, not only would that change the game on a fundamental level, but would kill it.
We have a player economy right? the economy benefits from a demand, and a supply. People who grind the ores, and build the parts are bringing in the supply. In this game, pvp serves as the very reason the economy stays alive. If you have a whole bunch of players bringing in ore, with no obstacles, (pirates, gankers, whatever you want to call them) the market is flooded with these items, and the price is forced to drop ridiculously because everyone is undercutting each other to benefit. eventually, as the path keeps going in this direction, the market falls apart. no one is selling because no one is buying. That alone would kill the game if it were only played by pve people. because i can promise you a if the devs were to try to baby sit outside the safe zone, this player base will never grow, and the game will die. Im as sure as sure gets. many would quit. I would be one of them.
It dont matter how much you hate it. you can complain all day everyday. But, its an mmo, and there are many people with many different play styles, and some of them you just wont like, but will have to deal with it. Because the thing people like yourself want, would destroy the game, and none of us would be able to play. You guys have a safe zone you can stay inside and build anything you want. Even the rarest of ores will be on the market at some point...
People just like pvp. youll never win that argument. The most toxic game ive ever played, is rust. I really like the game. in this game you can take days to build a base if you constantly make mistakes on how you go about it, and loose it in 5 minutes while people scream a bunch of random nonsense, and the most obscene shit youve ever heard, all while beating you down constantly, even when you spawn as a naked with nothing. ive seen people literally cry on their mic. you think there wasnt any bad reviews? lmao man there were a shit load in the early days. made me wonder if the game would survive. people kept talking about being ganked all the time. but, still, it has grown huge. over 100,000 people play that game a day. one of the leading mmos on steam. crazy huh? last i checked, our player base was barely over 4k. people just like pvp. You are arguing with a play style that overshadows yours greatly.