(VIR) Nomads - decentralized people

May 31, 2020
Nomads are a decentralized people, with a robust structure that allows effective communication and co-operation when essential: war, resources, technology, finance, exploration and protection.
The decentralized structure ensures the protection of our members and cells in the form of their own remoteness, therefore if one branch is cut off it has little to no effect on others allowing a quick recovery and strengthening of military protection. As a faction we have many goals:

Are you tired of being pushed around? standing in lines? Doing patrols?
Do you think your hard-earned cash can better be used then taxes for the aristocrats luxurious lifestyle?
Look no further!
The Nomads offers freedom for all, freedom from oppressors like Kings and Emperors, Devs and Lords.
We are a band of freedom loving peoples that roam space where we can be ourselves and take what we need. Nomads welcome battle and seeks it to become richer and stronger.
With us you gain protection and access to technology that otherwise require you to sell your soul to others. All we need in return is your allegiance in time of need to protect your fellow nomad.
