
Mar 8, 2021
Hey all!,
I'm sorry, the title is very simple - I'm just simply AMAZED at how (for lack of better terms), COOL this game looks!!
Looks like endless hours of fun will be had & I'm excited to be here!

About me:
I'm going to try & avoid being too boring here - I have my diploma in game design & host a community stream every week, from Thursday - Monday (Eastern Time - UTC(-05:00)).
We play games like Starship EVO - Star Citizen - Shores of Hazeron - Starmade - Viking : Battle for Asgard (Valheim before Valheim was a thing) - Call to Arms (RTS/FPS MilRTS?) - and more! We are a small community but welcome all like-minded gamers to join the family~

Otherwise, you can find one of my smaller projects on
(2Dimensional Explorers) - Unfortunately I was developing it on an HDD that simply got too old & failed on me~ needless to say, progress was lost! but not hope!!
It's simply a random universe generator with some exploration elements built-in. (No tutorial, shift for hyper-speed, wasd to control ship, space to break, M for map - use your mouse for the rest). It was my first attempt at a randomly generated universe. (Scale goes: Universe > (1-3) Galaxies > (0-10) Solar Systems > (0-40) Stars > (0-12) Planets > (0-20) RandomObjects. - The hierarchy moves down the list so every planet orbits a star, which orbits around a solar-system, which orbits around a galaxy, etc.~

But I digress,
I hope that was enough of an about-me for now! I can't wait to meet some of you on the forums & am excited to follow the development of this simply AMAZING game!

All the best,
-Rectum Tosser

"Rectum? Damn near Killed'em" - MIB II
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