Starbase Progress Notes: Week 21 (2020)


Well-known endo
Nov 23, 2019
'im not in the game therefor it does not exist'
not what I'm saying but ok... just a fyi, most of the games I play I have played from pre-alpha. I enjoy looking for and reporting bugs to make the game better in the long run. I'm just frustrated that I cannot get into this one and the other games that i'm testing are not running this week.
May 18, 2020
I really wish I had access so I could start trying to build my own ship. Watching other people on streams is already getting annoying really fast when some of them are just dicking around with a pickaxe. Sure there's some people like swagmaster who are actually trying to build a ship or quevin who's working on making templates of building parts for later but we need our hands on it. It's almost halfway through 2020 and we're still waiting for either a CA key or for EA to exist. Yes the building is complicated, yes streamers are free advertising... for a game that isn't even available yet. We've seen the trailers and for those of us who still play Space engineers or Empyrion know that Frozenbyte don't have much compitition in the market with what's already available. Yes the game is early but with more people in the CA or release of EA then we can get more data for them to work on. The longer we wait the more our excitement dies down and we will eventually forget the game was announced as other titles start dropping. Let us in Frozenbyte.


Veteran endo
Feb 19, 2020
The longer we wait the more our excitement dies down and we will eventually forget the game was announced as other titles start dropping. Let us in Frozenbyte.
I dunno you seem a little bit too impatient for a person whose interest is dying down :)

We've seen the trailers and for those of us who still play Space engineers or Empyrion know that Frozenbyte don't have much compitition in the market with what's already available.
They do have competition, and quite a bit. A large chunk of CA testers are/were very big fans of Space Engineers, and I still haven't heard anyone say "Space Engineers did this so much better". While this might be a personal experience, I personally think it points to the fact that the game does have a market.

Watching other people on streams is already getting annoying really fast when some of them are just dicking around with a pickaxe.
They got in CA, they get to do whatever they want. I don't think getting annoyed at another community member's actions is reasonable in this situation.
Last edited:
Aug 9, 2019
not what I'm saying but ok... just a fyi, most of the games I play I have played from pre-alpha. I enjoy looking for and reporting bugs to make the game better in the long run. I'm just frustrated that I cannot get into this one and the other games that i'm testing are not running this week.
Keep in mind there is still several waves and just because you are not in currently doesn’t mean you will never be in. Also, playtesting other games does not make you a better or worse candidate and thinking you are of a higher status because of that won’t get you very far.
May 18, 2020
I dunno you seem a little bit too impatient for a person whose interest is dying down :)

They do have competition, and quite a bit. A large chunk of CA testers are/were very big fans of Space Engineers, and I still haven't heard anyone say "Space Engineers did this so much better". While this might be a personal experience, I personally think it points to the fact that the game does have a market.

They got in CA, they get to do whatever they want. I don't think getting annoyed at another community member's actions is reasonable in this situation.
I never said that anyone claimed space engineers is better. I think that Starbase is already a better product than space engineers hence why I said they dont have much compitition. I never implied that the game was poor. Rule number 1 on the forums is to be respectful and polite of other people and you're clearly either trying to insult me here or want to instigate an argument out of nothing. "1. Be polite and respect others. "
May 16, 2020
Loving what I see each time one of these updates come out, this version and then the video reiteration from Kenetor. Always a fun read/listen to keep up the hype.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Is that little rack of the explosives something that a player has attached to his or her endo or is it something for bolting to the wall or something?


Veteran endo
Feb 19, 2020
I never said that anyone claimed space engineers is better. I think that Starbase is already a better product than space engineers hence why I said they dont have much compitition. I never implied that the game was poor. Rule number 1 on the forums is to be respectful and polite of other people and you're clearly either trying to insult me here or want to instigate an argument out of nothing. "1. Be polite and respect others. "
I didn't mean to insult you, I'm sorry. I misunderstood "Don't have much competition" as "the game isn't very good and can't compete". I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding.


Jul 15, 2019
Thanks everyone, we're happy to hear everybody's excited. :)

Regarding Closed Alpha - right now we have "enough" people playing, we're taking things a bit slow for a moment. We have found many bugs that we want to get fixed, and we've decided to add a couple of features before we invite new players. It's actually quite important that we get "fresh" data when we invite new people, i.e. they'll be the best at telling us how the game feels in the beginning (see for example some of the 'grind' comments and criticism from the start of CA - that's something we expect to get a lot better once new features are in, but we'll need new players to give a fresh perspective).

So while it doesn't help with the wait (and the wait can be long, there's a lot of players signed up!), maybe it helps to know that each player, when they get access, will provide us with important data - some automatically, i.e. technical crashes, and some by the feedback tool and other feedback here on the forums and Discord. It wouldn't be as good for the game if we just invited everybody at the same time. It would just end up in technical problems and lots of duplicate bug reports, feedback that tells the same story, etc.

The game gets better every week but progress can be hard to see sometimes, and we're going to need new players throughout the process to provide us with fresh perspectives. :)

I'd also like to say that we're allowing streaming/videos because it makes life easier for everybody, it's not really for marketing purposes (the game is not yet ready for mass-market). We could've gone for a truly closed no-talking-allowed with NDAs etc, but we chose to be as open as possible about the development of the game. It helps us with development and community a little bit, and the game will end up being better because of it because we can focus our time on actual development instead of community/NDA management etc. The only major downside is, like mentioned here, the frustration of those who anxiously await for CA access. Sorry! I hope this post helps a bit in understanding our reasons.

- Joel, Frozenbyte team

Kane Hart

Veteran endo
Aug 9, 2019
Thanks Joel and totally agree with you on what you said. It's so annoying to go through repeat bugs over and over and over again because their being duplicated. You need the downtime in between to catch up on them.

Also the Youtube stuff is exactly what I been doing. I made I think 3 videos in Total and their more "snapshots" of what things are now heavily on things will change and sort of fun to come see the difference Months and even years later for those who might be Interested down the road.

Either way I been enjoying it but it's just really not ready for large waves of people yet. There is a lot to the game but also some stuff just not ready yet and it will turn off a big number of people and rather discourage people best things are just slowed down a bit for things to evolve and more things enabled to allow richer and deeper gameplay.