Update 10.3.2021 (Alpha 383)
New Features and Major Updates
- Volumetric lighting to lamps (work in progress)
- Added options "Volumetric Lamps" and "Volumetric Lamps Area Mode" to Settings -> Graphics
- Disabled by default
- -
Patch Notes
- Modified Rocket Launcher animations
- Polished 3rd person standing and prone melee animations
- Added snap points to Plasma Thruster Nozzle Collar
- Added bolt profile to Audio Signal Device
- Added details and fixed shading issues Plasma Thruster parts
- Added inventory icons for modular buttons and Switch 12x24 cm
- Updated Curved Window F 192x264x384 cm snap points
- Updated interior to a roof and a skyscraper entrance LODs
- Updated multiple skyscraper LODs
- Changed correct inventory icon for Panel Base
- Added station tax to Sell tab
- Item containers will leave their extra content at Station Storage when put to auction
- Affects items like backpacks and weapons with magazines
- The auctioned item can be dragged back with all contained items still stored inside if listing is not completed
- Added different ship sounds depending of the ship size
- Acceleration and deceleration
- Fly-by sounds
- Fixed lever handles moving out of the lever base after changing LeverState values
- Fixed Ship Voucher uses affecting station economy
- Removed player-made ship Midge from economy
- Fixed Laser Cannon effects sometimes appearing behind the barrel and not being visible at certain angles
- Increased Plasma Cannon electricity consumption per shot from 1000 to 2500
- Fixed dragging item causing all materials to show material circles in the inventory
- Made links unclickable in Company tab -> News
- Prevented launching missiles and torpedoes in safe zones
- Missiles and torpedoes that are launched towards a safe zone and enter it, will disappear
- Fixed a whole ship getting deleted if missiles that were bolted to the ship exploded
- Fixed Furniture category not appearing in Asset Browser
- Added options to enable volumetric lighting to lamps (Settings -> Graphics)
- Test Flight
- Ships now spawn to the nearest spawn area in Test Flight mode
- Updated player-made ships
- Aelsa A
- Alfrigg A
- Axiom
- Bumble
- Draco
- Hopbox LCOT202
- Keg
- Magnus II & Magnus IIMN
- Malamute & Malamute II
- Mammoth
- Manta
- Mare
- Marmot-24, Marmot-48, Marmot-72 & Marmot-PS
- Mastodon
- Merchantman
- Mercury
- Merino
- Modulus FR & Modulus RP
- Momento
- Moonfish Quadro (previously known as Moonfish Trio)
- Moti Double (previously known as Moti)
- Mover
- Mule III
- Myrmidon II
- RockHopper
- Stibnite
- Tabletka
- Talon
- Trident Scooter, Trident T1, Trident T2 & Trident T3
- Veggr A
- Worker Ant
- Updated dev-made ships
- Kodiak
- Romulus
- Serf
- Removed ships from the developer ship shop
- Gofer
- Ithaca V1
- Ithaca V4
- Mason
- Ocelot
- Peon
- Tugger
- Twin Vasama
- Vasama
- Vasama Vanette
- Vector
- Updated ship descriptions
- "Antares" Twin Frame Freighter
- Javelin Mk.2b1
- Javelin Mk.2b2
- Magnus II
- Mite
- Momento
- Myrmidon II
- Added Virtual Mass and Thruster Field Name tools to the main toolbar
- Fixed some blueprints opening out-of-bounds even though the scene had enough room for the ship
- Fixed Automatic Thruster Naming "Name all field names" and "Reset all field names" controls that ceased to work after visiting Test Mode
- Fixed a typo in "Decal Circle" name
- Fixed Enhancer Module numeric tier order
- Tier 3 module is now the best one, and Tier 1 is the worst
- Swapped Okim 1 and 2 ship shop locations in Origin station
- Kingdom Outpost B
- Added station transponder
- Added Insurance Transfer Point
- Fixed entering Station Designer failing occasionally
- Remote Explosives
- Fixed picked up charges being moved into a stack of empty Remote Explosive Containers if other containers were not available in the inventory
- Welding Tool
- Prevented freewelding hinges and other jointed objects to stations
- Increased maximum amount of received signals to 50
- Fix for DynamicSkySystem asserts that occasionally appeared when starting the game