The first post will be a quick thing listing what I’m actually saying when I talk about sensors. It just lists the names, classification based on similar functions, and a bit about how the groups would work.
* = not really discussed or thought about, maybe some niche uses
Multiple Wavelength Cameras. Good for getting lots of detailed information on an object or two. (pixel exposure based, works like IRL cameras did/do on a functional level, but with drastically fewer pixels);
-Any lower and we get to radio devices, which are their own thing and are a separate discussion about communication devices.
Ping based/active. Pretty foolproof and can be easily used to find a lot of things. You get simple information on many different objects or surfaces back in waves, which makes them ideal for a wide variety of applications. These include colision avoidance in simple drones, maze solving robots, object scanners, ore location, etc;
* = not really discussed or thought about, maybe some niche uses
Multiple Wavelength Cameras. Good for getting lots of detailed information on an object or two. (pixel exposure based, works like IRL cameras did/do on a functional level, but with drastically fewer pixels);
-Any lower and we get to radio devices, which are their own thing and are a separate discussion about communication devices.
Ping based/active. Pretty foolproof and can be easily used to find a lot of things. You get simple information on many different objects or surfaces back in waves, which makes them ideal for a wide variety of applications. These include colision avoidance in simple drones, maze solving robots, object scanners, ore location, etc;