station, and capital ship building.


Veteran endo
Aug 16, 2021
So, there has been one thing thats kept me from trying to build a station, or a cap ship, and thats the lack of having a build mode where you can place whatever objects you want without having to have the parts... I believe station, and capital ship building should be just like ssc. it makes no sense not to. When im building my ships in ssc, im doing alot of adding, and deleting, it takes time. Without an ssc like feature with captial ships, and stations, i dont even want to try. just seems extremely daunting.


Veteran endo
Aug 16, 2021
Best part is that we had an ssc-like editor in CA for stations and for station lots (when those were a thing).
yea, i remember those. it was much easier. but, i do like how we have more options in building stations, and such. But, we do need a designer. especially now since they are implementing cap ships, and station mechanics currently.


Veteran endo
Aug 11, 2020
How station/cap ship designer is not a priority baffles me. If I were at the helm, an editor would be top priority, having spoken to so many in the community, and having done a currently max size cap ship (9x2x3 build zones, using the fast-place feature too). Currently it takes about 24h (with fast placement) of straight work just to unlock the areas, with help.

I know most people are not even trying it, like J.D., having seen or heard someone else do it. Right now in Starbase I think the biggest issue is being disrespectul to the players time, and the station/capship building systems are the worst offenders.

Personally I see a lot of people coming back to try it, getting frustrated a few dozen hours in, and then just quitting, having acheived mostly nothing.