Lifeline need to nerf


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
Now there is a problem of using this mechanics. In order to look back, players simply jump out of the ship and on a lifeline with a huge length of 0.5 km inspect whether there is any pursuit. It looks very strange. A player, especially one whose ship is equipped with auto-avoidance
, can do this all the time. Jumping from the ship, he benefits from the fact that the field of view is not covered by fire plumes from the engines (no need to turn off the engines), no need to turn the ship around, in addition, the player gets the opportunity to see 0.5 km further than he would see standing on the ship. It's an imbalance. A stun of 10 seconds is not a limitation, it is too small a penalty for such a fat imbalance.

The pursuing player has almost no chance to hide behind the fire plumes, as well as to balance on the edge of visibility, because the pursued player sees 0.5 km further (relative to the ship). This kind of gameplay doesn't look normal.

It is necessary to come up with options to reduce this unhealthy moment, to force players to build observation decks on the ship from which they can look back. I haven't figured out all the possible ways to do it yet. But first, you can increase the stun time and reduce the distance of drawing objects for the player by 0.5 km if he jumped on the lifeline.


Active endo
Sep 8, 2021
I don't see this as a problem, long term. Once heat tracking mechanics are in, pursuit becomes an entirely different game. This problem will be fixed in time just by the mechanics being added.

There are plenty of other problems with pursuing a foe without wasting development time fixing a problem that will go away on it's own.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
The problem is "not seen" by those players who use it.. Right?))

Where is the evidence that the problem will disappear? I ask you to write constructively and argumentatively. This problem has nothing to do with the mechanics of heat tracking. This is a gameplay problem in general. I ask you to offer solutions to the problem, not empty messages


Active endo
Sep 8, 2021
The problem is "not seen" by those players who use it.. Right?))

Where is the evidence that the problem will disappear? I ask you to write constructively and argumentatively. This problem has nothing to do with the mechanics of heat tracking. This is a gameplay problem in general. I ask you to offer solutions to the problem, nHeaot empty messages
Very well. The problem is increased information on the part of the one being pursued, right? Right now, that's a practical benefit. Once heat tracking is in game, I don't need to see someone to have an idea I'm being pursued. Heat sensors alone will do that. At that point, jumping off with lifeline gives me very little extra information.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
And what makes you think that your sensors will see everyone who is nearby..?
This is quite possible, since in addition to being able to see someone using sensors, the developers will make it possible to hide the ship from sensors. I'm sure you understand this perfectly well, but you continue to write messages that do not contain useful information. I'm asking you to stop


Veteran endo
Jul 11, 2020
Lifeline was, if I remember correctly, implemented in order to assist with situations when your endo would just teleport off your ship into the dark abyss randomly. I think it would be a fairly sensible guess that the developers will remove it once more networking issues are resolved - since as far as I am aware, the current LOD system and the networking to go with it is in its v1 stage, without having been tuned correctly yet.
Nov 12, 2019
This really looks like you're just looking for problems. The lifeline is there for, as mentioned, a reason. And it's nothing to do with combat.

Also, while they may be floating in the aether, they're not piloting the ship.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
I'm not looking for anything. I simply voiced the problem that the mechanics are used in such a way that the player gets an advantage: he sees farther away. And in general, these constant jumps when the player spends 90% of the time on the lifeline look strange. They use it right after the ship leaves Origins.


Meat Popsicle
Aug 9, 2019
This seems like a nonissue. If it really bothers you then just shoot that player, not like they can move very fast anyway.


Veteran endo
Feb 13, 2020
I'd say if poeple are jumping off to get information there is an unmet need (looking around to spot approaching ships).
So until there is a replacement for it taking the option away will just exacerbate the need.

And lest we forget: when they are pulled back they are stunned for a good few seconds (which you feel is too little and an imbalance but don't forget that this is currently one of the few ways to actually spot someone, so until there is a better/official option you should expect this to continue).
Nov 15, 2021
a fictional problem, ships are easy enough to detect without jumping off the ship. This mechanic does not give any advantages, since you cannot control the ship while you jumped off, plus the stun time


Well-known endo
Nov 9, 2020
If you're set to use the lifeline to spot someone behind you, well, then you probably have already noticed someone following you, meaning the persuer is already in your vision range. I highly doubt anyone is going to just jump off the ship every 10 minutes to see if someone is actually following them...
Nov 12, 2019
I'm not looking for anything. I simply voiced the problem that the mechanics are used in such a way that the player gets an advantage: he sees farther away. And in general, these constant jumps when the player spends 90% of the time on the lifeline look strange. They use it right after the ship leaves Origins.
He see's exactly as far away as you do, spotting a ship is a pain in the ass in the best of times, and again, they get stunned and can't pilot the ship. And how are you even seeing these players? You have eagle eyes and 15k screens??


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
aksannon says that this is the only way notice the chase . toombust says that this is not the case. you can't decide between yourselves..)
when players start their journey from origin, they jump constantly and relative the ship they see further than the player chasing them. I think if the problem was made up, it would not have attracted so much of your attention.
I don't think there's anything else to discuss here. my goal was only to state the problem.


Veteran endo
Feb 13, 2020
aksannon says that this is the only way notice the chase . toombust says that this is not the case. you can't decide between yourselves..)
I never said that it is the only way though, only made the observation that when many are doing the same thing there is a reason why and that not meeting the underlying need might devolve into something unhealthy.
Jan 21, 2022
I sort of think its ok like i like to take photos from behind my ship have never really thought to use it as a tool as you suggest.
but maybe cut the length to 250meters but it shouldnt be removed


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
I never said that it is the only way though, only made the observation that when many are doing the same thing there is a reason why and that not meeting the underlying need might devolve into something unhealthy.
I was wrong, you said: "one of the few ways to actually spot someone".