About capital ship design at the station


Well-known endo
Oct 1, 2021
I was building a capital ship at an old station and adding a hanger hall.
However, I confirmed that the hanger hole was not working.

When I watched a personal broadcast, I confirmed that the hanger hall
would work if I installed a new station and built a capital ship and a hanger hall.

Is there anyone who built a capital ship and a hanger hall at an old station and the hanger hall is working?
And from development, have you ever been compensated for the ore used to build capital ships and hanger holes at old stations?


try to build hangar hall in one cube/section of station. all dimensions hangar must be bigger than longest side of ship. if hangar not activated - try reinstall some corner or edge parts. first - try with small hangar :) 3x3x3 for example. and build hall terminal. (my station stand very ago and hangar work,)


Well-known endo
Oct 1, 2021
Thank you for your reply.
Is it the hangar of the capital ship? What I want to make is a hangar for a capital ship.

The size of the hanger is almost square and is bigger than any ship I have, so the size should be fine.
No matter where you set up the terminal nearby, it doesn't recognize the hanger hole.
May 18, 2021
If you want to build a capital ship, you need to have a capital ship dock, which is different than the hanger used for regular ships. The parts of a capital ship dock are similar to the ones for the ship hanger, but there are more restrictions on where they are placed.

You need to start in a completely empty section of your station. Try to place a corner piece and ghosted images of the eight corners will appear. Place the corners where the ghosted images show you, then fill in the sides. This will make a cube slightly smaller than one station section, which is the exact size it must be. There is no terminal for a capital ship dock as this is for a ship hanger. The options just appear in the user interface when you enter it.


Well-known endo
Oct 1, 2021
Yes. I put a corner piece in the ghost corner and started to make a dock for the capital ship. And there is a hanger hole.

But the place where I started building the dock for this capital ship was the section of the station that existed before the game update. I suspect it's not working properly because I started making it from where it existed before the game was updated.
However, I thought that there might be some people who started building capital ships in the station section that existed before the game update and succeeded, so I set up this thread.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
My capital has been broken for two weeks, completed by 90%. The problem is that when I am next to him, the game turns on the station construction mode, instead of the capital construction mode. Relog and removing/adding hangar blocks does not help. F1 reports and developer ping in discord remain unanswered. Question: if the developer moves my capital from the station to another place, can it help?

Look at the video at the top left - the game switches to building a station instead of building capital.


Well-known endo
Apr 29, 2022
My capital has been broken for two weeks, completed by 90%. The problem is that when I am next to him, the game turns on the station construction mode, instead of the capital construction mode. Relog and removing/adding hangar blocks does not help. F1 reports and developer ping in discord remain unanswered. Question: if the developer moves my capital from the station to another place, can it help?

Look at the video at the top left - the game switches to building a station instead of building capital.
Faced a similar problem.
1. Turn off automatic transition to EBM mode.
2. Be inside the capital ship hangar field when loading. It took me from 3 to 5 turns to turn on correctly.
3. If you jump next to the station where you are building, there will be no such problems. On a capital ship, the capital ship construction mode will be enabled.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
Sadly. Because now, after the warp, a ship has disappeared from my ship hangar. I think it makes sense to write a ticket.
It's not just you who has this problem, many players do. Of course you can write a ticket, I have already written more than 5 - for more than two weeks, no response to any of them.

In general, the developers have made a lot of big rocks, which not only killed the economy, but also gameplay, because they are not optimized, it is impossible to fly in the asteroid belt without lag.

Players no longer use warp gates, it is impossible to find anyone. Indestructible capitals that jump into the unknown and make the owner rich - this also kills the game.

I've never been more frustrated than after this update came out.


Well-known endo
Apr 29, 2022
It's not just you who has this problem, many players do. Of course you can write a ticket, I have already written more than 5 - for more than two weeks, no response to any of them.

In general, the developers have made a lot of big rocks, which not only killed the economy, but also gameplay, because they are not optimized, it is impossible to fly in the asteroid belt without lag.

Players no longer use warp gates, it is impossible to find anyone. Indestructible capitals that jump into the unknown and make the owner rich - this also kills the game.

I've never been more frustrated than after this update came out.
Yes, worse than now with the economy could not do. It would be better if they sold the game to those who can pull it further. To an investor, for example, if they cannot make a game due to sanctions.
If development does not recover in the coming months, we will see another abandoned dead project.

Even tech support doesn't work.
I wrote a ticket but I do not expect a response.


Well-known endo
Apr 29, 2022
Small update by mistake with capital ship hall. beams and modules of the capital ship are easily installed on the station. In this case, the hint is written as if you are building a capital ship. Perhaps the root of the error lies in this.


Well-known endo
Apr 29, 2022
I managed to create a capital ship after so many mistakes. Perhaps my path will help someone. 1. My previous capital ship died from incorrect LOD objects after a server crash. Compensation was received. The ship itself is located next to the station and constantly causes error messages. (I hope it will be removed someday). But there were still modules there. (especially expensive engines). After that, nothing could be created in the dock where this ship was created. Rebuilding the dock, restarting the game in the dock, etc. did not help. Removing the capital ship from the list of possessions also did not bring results.

Finally yesterday everything worked out for me.

The first assumption was that somehow the dock and the capital ship were connected. Perhaps this is not so and their connection is only due to a server failure. The second assumption was the fact that the dock occupies the entire expansion zone of the station. And perhaps the connection is not with the dock itself, but with the zone and what is located in it. I decided not only to redo the dock, but also to change the area where it is located. It worked for me.
I spammed the floor with cheap blocks and got another additional station expansion area and captured it. I then built a new capital ship dock in a new area using old parts. The very first launch of the construction mode allowed me to create a new capital ship. Thus, the bug apparently was in the dock location area. Therefore, returning players who want to create a capital ship at their old base (who can’t do this), try rebuilding the dock in the new zone. For a completely pure experiment in the newly acquired zone.

The second problem is how to transfer expensive parts from an old buggy capital ship to at least the base. (It’s good that they are 500 meters from each other).
I couldn’t install new modules on the ship because previously I dismantled and disassembled everything I could. There was not a single block there (only a buggy LOD).

Since we do not yet have containers that moved anything other than ore, the task remained non-trivial. I even thought about just leaving everything as is. But there was too much money in these modules. And I was very sorry for the time spent on farming. In the end, I simply flew into the field of the capital ship, pulled out the element in my hands and, with the interface open, flew to the station to its field and there I dropped it into the station’s inventory. The distance between the fields was about 200 meters. If I had an assistant, I would do everything quickly. He would just ride me on a space shuttle between the fields. I had to make about 50 flights (about 2 hours of real time). But it would take me much longer to restore this amount of resources without a capital ship, so it was worth it. However, the task is completed and I can finally visit my outlying stations.

Perhaps someone will find this information useful.
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