Well... 2 things to protect your YOLOL chips outside the safezone.
(From what I know of.)
- Don't put your YOLOL chips on the outside.
- Don't get caught alive.
But other than that, there really isn't much to protect.
Each YOLOL chips is like what, 20 lines, and 70 characters per line.
(Need citation on this?)
That's 1 400 characters total, to write your code.
I doubt you're going to make this super duper amazing YOLOL code you'll want to keep secret forever in that amount of space.
However, what it will let you do, is build complex systems, with multiple chips and devices.
And, if you don't surrender outside the safe zones. Chances of someone capturing your ship, with enough of the system intact to rebuild it is slim.
Even then, you could add a self-destruct mechanism, if you're really that paranoid, and don't want anyone copying your code.
But other than that, I highly doubt there's going to be any way to prevent people from stealing your code, outside of the safe zones.
Only how you decide to secure it yourself.
Al though, at that point... Is it really worth it keep it that hidden?
The YOLOL will be used to do complex things, but the YOLOL itself isn't complex.