Recent content by ShiroTenshi

  1. ShiroTenshi

    Your ship of choice?

    Scout or Battle oriented ship, depending on my groups needs. If playing solo something nimble that could go by undetected as i explore.
  2. ShiroTenshi

    If you would see a Space Station somewhere, would you attack it or scout it out first? Or would you do something completely different?

    Save it's location, circle it a few times see if anything shoots and/or what faction affiliation it has. Depending on what i find i would either move on or plan an attack. Death to Kingdom btw. :P
  3. ShiroTenshi

    [Poll] What Kind of Player Are You?

    Picked Law Enforcement. Played EVE for over a decade and fell in love with Null Sec roams of alliance space and chasing down those pesky reds. Otherwise, i'll be exploring.
  4. ShiroTenshi

    how hyped are you for starbase? will it be a "shut up and take my money" moment or not?

    Being a Community Manager for another game (that shall remain un-named), i know how badly hype trains can end. But still, Shut up and take my money!
  5. ShiroTenshi

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    Well personally i hadn't really felt ship TTK was a problem until this thread. A lot of valuable discussion going on in here and i have learned a lot. I feel like there are a couple more things that need to be taken into consideration apart from simply armor effectiveness. One of these things...
  6. ShiroTenshi

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    Of course i want the game to flourish and be a hit, but i also have a bit of a bias against micro-transactions. Specially since my history with them has been spotty at best. Maybe go the way some companies are doing it now where they are part of a larger DLC package, but even then i find it hard...
  7. ShiroTenshi

    Hello Space!

    Hello! I'm Shiro, i live somewhere in Europe and i have been following Starbase for a few months. I've been a part of the discord for a bit now, but not overly active, although eagerly eating up any and all info and media the DEVs put out. Also, Death to Kingdom (Empire FTW).