Recent content by SNPtsg

  1. SNPtsg

    Starbase on Google Stadia

    Beyond your needs, the question of stadia and cloud gaming is interesting. Technically it is much safer than steam, impossible to hack or cheat, one of the most critical aspect of starbase. Standardized hardware that facilitate the development. Two big advantages. If starbase technology works...
  2. SNPtsg

    Your ship of choice?

    One of each or several of each type to meet all my needs. Is there another possible answer ? :confused:
  3. SNPtsg

    Station rules of engagement

    NexuniToday at 3:12 PM you plan player made stations as far as i know. have you tought of a system that will prevent offline raids or is that up to when you actually develop player stations? LauriFBToday at 3:14 PM the dynamic safe zone system is what protects from offline raids once your...
  4. SNPtsg

    Empire, Kingdom, Neutral, WHY did you pick your side?

    It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself.