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  1. Ship Insurance mechanic.

    Your concerns as a designer are very understandable. And they are solved very simply. As a result of insurance, it is not the ship that is returned, but the money. This eliminates all possible fears and problems. Money can't quickly put together a new ship. And if people are serious about PVP...
  2. Ship Insurance mechanic.

    I agree. I'm ashamed that I didn't think about it myself.
  3. Ship Insurance mechanic.

    Insurance. Its essence is that the old damaged ship is located in the same place where you abandoned it. Like a derelict. They actually provide you with a new one for your money. What does this give? The ship's cargo, its settings, scripts, etc. remain where they left it. Prize for whoever finds...
  4. Starbase's Top Issues #9: The Death of a Dream - The SSC

    Generally true except for 2 points. 1. EBM is generally a very ineffective tool. Primarily due to the limited number of blocks. And a strong overexpenditure of elements. It is almost impossible to build even a medium ship using this tool. The designer will quickly reach the limits of the...
  5. Starbase's Top Issues #9: The Death of a Dream - The SSC

    I agree. SSC must be in the game. But its role must be reduced only to design. There must be furnaces for purifying ores There must be production complexes for the production of modules, products, and armor. Moreover, with a developed queue and offline production. There must be good market and...
  6. Problem (bug?) when flying a capital ship

    During flights on the capital ship, several facts and possible solutions were revealed experimentally. 1. When jumping and flying through a satellite or planet, the endo definitely dies. Therefore, for long-distance jumps, I recommend leaving the game before flying through the satellite. After...
  7. Ship Warp & Heat (About Starbase Development News - April 2024)

    Sorry, I didn’t understand then))). You should not remove resources near the base. This is too expensive for the server (Although an option is to prohibit the respawn of resource nodes in the security field). It’s easier to limit the reactivation of the database (once every few days) and limit...
  8. Ship Warp & Heat (About Starbase Development News - April 2024)

    I disagree on this issue. There must be a safe zone and safe mining of basic resources in this zone. Just so that in the event of the death of an owl or a ship, the player can restore his ship, money (and if the ship is large enough, then digging the vokarium and bastium will not be fast at...
  9. Embrace the Space Jelly: How to Inspire Beautiful Ships with Drag as a Feature

    I understand perfectly what you mean. It is a very sound idea to have big guns, to have big engines, big batteries, big generators and big containers. To avoid spamming hundreds of small details to get the desired result. By the way, it is quite logical that large modules will be more efficient...
  10. Embrace the Space Jelly: How to Inspire Beautiful Ships with Drag as a Feature

    In simplified form, 1-1 and 7-7 may seem like a working pattern, but in reality it doesn't work that way. Otherwise, there would be no obstacles to making spacecraft 10 times larger to put the ISS into orbit at one time)). There, the question is actually not so much about the thrust-to-weight...
  11. Ship Warp & Heat (About Starbase Development News - April 2024)

    Interesting idea. And a beautiful idea. Of course, I would prefer to knock down the fee from the miner under the interdictor field. So that there are no bad thoughts of running away. But here's another question. We have decided on the animation of charging the warp jump field. But what to...
  12. Embrace the Space Jelly: How to Inspire Beautiful Ships with Drag as a Feature

    Pavel, you are already arguing for the sake of arguing. ))) I have no criticism of big ships. On the contrary, it is a large ship that is easier to make not only functional and beautiful. Some people like streamlined shapes, while others are a fan of cubism. I'm not against either one. On...
  13. Ship Warp & Heat (About Starbase Development News - April 2024)

    In fact, it will simply achieve this result. It is enough to return fast travel to the ships (which were needed to pass the gate) and add charging time for the jump accumulator. This will force pauses between jumps. But there is also a flip side to the coin. Just as a predator should be given a...
  14. Embrace the Space Jelly: How to Inspire Beautiful Ships with Drag as a Feature

    This is your main misconception. There is also a huge difference. And the main limitation is the structural strength of materials and sections. You cannot increase the mass of a product indefinitely. After a certain threshold, your material will no longer withstand itself. A striking example...
  15. Embrace the Space Jelly: How to Inspire Beautiful Ships with Drag as a Feature

    We were not talking about beautiful ships. More precisely, not only about this. In my opinion, the beauty of ships lies in their functionality and precision. Specifically, in my post I drew attention to the fact that the game in every possible way ignores the strength of materials. Almost...
  16. Ship shops update

    Moreover. Almost all mechanics are in the game (except for rent). In the ship properties there is a field for both description and pictures. The cost is displayed. And the list of ships is already in the hangar terminal. You just need to combine and correctly distribute into categories. The...
  17. Please read before working on combat rebalance.

    I highly doubt that there will be very large multi-turret ships with a large crew. Just because it's quite difficult. Gather a lot of people in one place for an event. And not on one side, but on at least two. The pilot will have something to do. The shooters will sit online and wait for a...
  18. Starbase's Top Issues #9: The Death of a Dream - The SSC

    We are already seeing clear signals that developers are moving in this direction. Placing purchase orders. Possibility to trade at stations. And we need more stations themselves. And a mechanism, if not rent, then at least taxes if a player trades at the station of another player / faction...
  19. Community Manager?

    Who can I contact on discord? I died on a capital ship during warp.