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  1. Kane Hart

    Empire, Kingdom, Neutral, WHY did you pick your side?

    I picked neutral at this time because that is how you start out as period ;) Besides that I really have not decided a side and honestly I'm more PvE then PvP so I see more benefits in some ways to being neutral.
  2. Kane Hart

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome ;) That is really cool that you guys support older games that long. I think that is a good thing I mean I'm sure it's not 10 tickets a day anymore and it shows a company that is open and willing to support their products for a very long time. I really enjoyed the honestly and openness...
  3. Kane Hart

    YouTube playlist of the unlisted Starbase development videos

    It misses random Twitter / Other content at times but in case someone did not see the post on this:
  4. Kane Hart

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    Honestly it looks like right now will need to hand do some parts and a full fledged factory logistics wise might be almost impossible because of what is required. That being said I'm willing to give it a shot and fail if I can afford the resources to even make it there haha. I think starting...
  5. Kane Hart

    How do you want warp gates/FTL to work?

    Sounds like Gates will be something that comes around the moon content. Sounded like we go there and start farming and building gates one on each side. I'm hoping they cost a lot of resources and use a lot of power and maybe their power just to have a reason to feed them. Being so long to travel...
  6. Kane Hart

    No Man's Sky Beyond is looking really great. [Aug 14th Release]

    ONLINE 16-32 players, dependant on platform, filled with online friends and strangers. The Nexus – a new social space, without load times. Can be called in any system the player is currently stationed in. Think of this equal to Destiny’s Tower. Includes new shops, missions & story elements...
  7. Kane Hart

    Hi, i still don't get the point of this type of channel.

    Introductions is just a place to say Hello and maybe a bit about you. Sort of like introducing yourself to the community. It also gives Spammers a reason to reply to every single Introduction thread to get their post count up.
  8. Kane Hart

    [Tool] Yoloxide Web: a mostly functional web-based Yolol emulator!

    This is such a great little site. Thanks :)
  9. Kane Hart

    Coloring robots?

    Coloring been a thing. I think right now a lot of stuff is done with their in house editor and their just adding the UI/code to do it through the game itself.
  10. Kane Hart

    Region Recruitment

    Yeah this would make more sense. Not sure xenforo has thread prefixes back in 2.0 but this good example what I like to see for that:
  11. Kane Hart

    This is what Starbase looks without any ambient light and faster day/night cycles!

    I honestly would love to have this. I know it would not work for most people and such because it be too dark, etc. So maybe once systems are added to the game we could have darker regions of space with ambient light turned off.
  12. Kane Hart

    Interactive map of Starbase players location

    But I don't live on Earth :O
  13. Kane Hart

    Your ship of choice?

    The only ship I need in my life ;)
  14. Kane Hart

    Forum Rules (thread is open for comments about the rules)

    Hey @EllaFB not sure if you meant to not lock this or not but I recommend deleting my post and locking them :)
  15. Kane Hart

    Here's a clip from Hamstah's Twitter showing detailed damage on an Empire ship!

    It embeds the twitter post and you can play it directly. Yeah it's fun to follow Hamstah on twitter for the extra little things at times :)
  16. Kane Hart

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    I like this more newer one haha I just love Lauri how he describes it lol. I swear there was a much newer post by Lauri maybe off site about the cat ears?
  17. Kane Hart

    Fav icon, Post Counts and a few other ideas.

    Some just random suggestions: Fav Icon Remove Post Count or at least on default thread views. Auto Merge Double posts or have some sort of rule. As time goes on people will abuse this even more so in the crazy faction section. Remove Most Messages, Most Likes, Most Points from Members page...
  18. Kane Hart

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    I assume if part the topic is about micro transactions, you have a poll on it and other people are talking about it that I'm free to also express my feelings of it. If not I suggest asking for the thread to be locked.
  19. Kane Hart

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    My mistake. Just assumed when the entire Poll is called "Cosmetic Micro-transactions?" lol