Holding down mouse button with the building tool equipped will slowly auto fill missing voxels in an object you are pointing at, even if you are not "painting" the areas which are missing voxels. This will ensure that you'll eventually get the object built/fixed even if you can not find the...
Yes, cargo crate can store 120cm^3.
The smaller ones are not supposed to be used much. We just need some smaller variants if player decides to take them out from a backpack to gameworld. You can play some tetris with the little ones if you like even numbers in 10 intervals will fit well in the...
Did not have time to read the whole thread, but it seems some of the cocky big factions might be facing a reality check called logistics. I'm sorry, but you just can't compare Starbase to other MMO's on every aspect. Some things will play out differently. You will see.
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