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  1. Morrgard

    Greetings Starbase Community!

    Hello everyone! Glad to see the forum is up and running and to be part of its launch! I am Morrgard, I'm from Sweden. I like to create/run groups and communities and bring people together, I've led multiple gaming groups & communities through 2012 to now reaching hundreds of members, it's...
  2. Morrgard

    Cursor Hard to see inside BB Editor

    I am using Google Chrome at this time, so it may very well be that. Worth a shot. I am using Google Chrome at this time, so it may very well be that. Worth a shot.
  3. Morrgard

    Cursor Hard to see inside BB Editor

    I'm not sure why it looked different in the GIF I made, but there is a white layer surrounding it normally.
  4. Morrgard


    Hope it goes well with your fanon wiki Venixer. Welcome to the forums.
  5. Morrgard

    POLL: What type of Starbase Faction do you prefer?

    I believe anyone who does not adapt to their surroundings is most likely doomed to fail, or at the very least fall behind everyone else who does so.
  6. Morrgard

    Cursor Hard to see inside BB Editor

    I'm not having the same issue as you are, did you alter your cursor on your desktop? Mine is perfectly viewable in a whiteish black. > Unless this has already been fixed in these 10 minutes since Ella's reply.
  7. Morrgard

    Boltcrackers - Ship Sabotage episode

    I would imagine if you want electricity to be safer you would have to use a password created with YOLOL, seeing how one of the developers, I'm afraid I can't remember who stated it would be near impossible to have no electrical wiring outside your vessel.
  8. Morrgard

    Your ship of choice?

    I would enjoy a decently sized battleship or something similar to such, with a nice bridge where I can stand within it and just view out. I know I have a blueprint in mind that I am hoping to have made once the game is out, however, it won't be just me building it deemed good enough.