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  1. resurect starbase

    I gotta say, I admire the passion! But I think you went from complaints to personal attacks on the developer, to outright rambling about "easy fixes" all coated in a slimy layer of anger and professed 'wisdom'. Ironically, despite your dismissal of enthusiastic kids suggesting completely...
  2. meta for stations building

    Yeah. That's the ideal. But that sharply limits what you can actually put INTO the station. You could perhaps use the top and bottom sides for hangars? But EVERYTHING else that you want to protect has to be crammed into those areas. And you'd better hope those things don't need an access point...
  3. Current PvP state and points of interest, that could be implement right away

    ...Is playing something else while you wait for new content really that onerous a task? Craters are literally producing this for you.
  4. PTU Update 14.10.2021 (PTU Build 667)

    right click on a ship. It has a add to company option. But it's greyed out for me. Maybe something there?
  5. sort of a territory control idk make raids useful

    What's stopping me from just spamming stations with these detection magic boxes around the area? By the time you arrive for one, I've set up the second. For that matter, what's stopping multiple factions from being in the same area doing this?
  6. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 37 (2021)

    That's a lot of power to use that chip. I hope it requires that over the 40 minutes, not all at once.
  7. Sieges and their effect to PvP

    Keep in mind, they need a dock to land at if they're in a belt. You wanna build 30 expensive docks?