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  1. Norway174

    Misneden Industries

    With the update to Starbase being announced. We are once again returning to Starbase, and starting up production again. If anyone wishes to join, now is a great time to get in on the ground floor!
  2. Norway174

    Asteroid Hauler over BUILDING BUDGET when hauling asteroids!!!???

    This is kind of double edged sword. On one hand, rocks should not count towards the max build limit of the ship. But on the other hand... What if you make an asteroid ship? As in, you attach an asteroid to your ship "permanently" to use it has armor. If the rock didn't count. You could go over...
  3. Norway174

    The blueprint system is killing this game

    I commented on exactly this issue last year. See: Reposting it here, because I still stand by what I said. --------------------------------------------------------------- Frankly, I think we should do away with this type of...
  4. Norway174

    New Eos Ring Ore Zones Graphic!

    This is great! Thanks. It lacks the goofy face in the planet. But it's very clean and easy to see what's what.
  5. Norway174

    About locks on the YOLOL chips

    Or, don't save waypoints on a ship that can potentially be captured by enemies.
  6. Norway174

    Ship Shop Ships

    Frankly, I think we should do away with this type of blueprint system. The whole thing feels like it creates more problems and drama than its worth. I think when you buy a ship, you should gain the full rights to it. It's yours, you paid for it. Take it into the designer, update & modify it...
  7. Norway174

    X Y Z marker

    Oh, I see. That'd be Origin 15 or 16.
  8. Norway174

    The infinite demand void of the origin stations is distorting the economy

    Damn... This sentence hit me like a rock. I should do more with my life.
  9. Norway174

    X Y Z marker

    I'm not quite sure what you mean. But all the origin stations are formed in a circle around EOS. (The gate looking thing.) And if you're referring to which direction X+ is pointed. If you're starting at the gate. Then x+ would be pointed towards Origin 23. Z+ would be into the asteroid field...
  10. Norway174

    Misneden Industries

    Welcome to MISNEDEN INDUSTRIES! We're a new and upcoming industry, with primary focus on industry, such as but limited to; Mining, Salvage, Factory, Ship building/designing, and more! But we do plan on protecting our assets for when we make expeditions beyond the Safe-zone. But PVP is not our...
  11. Norway174

    Real ships, real logistics, actual space battles! - Safe-field disruptor and warp drives -

    Is the ship available for purchase anywhere? I tried searching for it on the forums, and the wiki. But nothing.
  12. Norway174

    Quantity of free/full storage input field

    Yes please! We need a max capacity and current capacity fields. Thinking the most logical place for this would be the resource bridge. And it would show based on how many containers was connected to it. So if you had two resource bridges, connected to different set of containers, they would...
  13. Norway174

    X Y Z marker

    This might help. (Source)
  14. Norway174

    Better Transponders

    Transponder do a field value called ship name. But once you change it, it gets sets back to the actual ship name. I wish we could change this name, and the transponder would just show up as whatever we set that name to. But no forced tag system. Nothing should be forced. People should be...
  15. Norway174

    Mining drones + auto-discovery with YOLOL

    Damn... That automated mining ship is cool. Imagine having several of those going at once.
  16. Norway174

    Thoughts about PeerToPeer (P2P)

    But how will it check tho? Will it just ask, "hey client. What's your YOLOL code?", then the client could return a fabricated, but valid YOLOL code. The server could try and run the same simulations as your client. And see if they match up. But that's not a guaranteed way to find cheaters...
  17. Norway174

    Thoughts about PeerToPeer (P2P)

    You write YOLOL in-game code to execute various functions and commands included in the game. All of which affects the simulation of your ship. To change the behaviour. But if those commands aren't sent to the server for verification. Only the simulation of your ship. Then you could use cheats...
  18. Norway174

    Thoughts about PeerToPeer (P2P)

    This is interesting. And something I was worried about in my initial OP. So if the client is responsible for simulating your own ship. Then what's to stop someone from writing a C# library to execute it as YOLOL code? And make it appear as YOLOL code on the server to bypass the anti-cheat?
  19. Norway174

    Thoughts about PeerToPeer (P2P)

    Bump. Any chance we could get an official response to this? Or an updated FAQ with more information? Thanks!
  20. Norway174

    Bots in the game [concern]

    Botting FPS games is not an easy task. Botting paid FPS games is very unlikely to be done at a large scale. You'll need to buy one copy for each bot account. And once that account is discovered, and banned, by FrozenByte. That's a loss of real money. Which, I highly doubt the botters would be...