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  1. Norway174

    Letter of concern to the developers of Starbase

    Of course they are. And they're not above criticism. This is simply my point of view. I'm not making demands. I'm voicing my opinion, on an open and public forum. And I'm sorry, it's ny my intentions to be rude. Already here, it sounds like you might as well just be a player run faction...
  2. Norway174

    Starbase Hints and Secrets Discussion

    That's just the general CSS for the main layout of the page itself. As you can see, it sets the height and width to 100% of the view port. Meaning, to fill up the entire browser screen. And it then adds a gradient background to that. And there doesn't seem to be any secret elements on the page.
  3. Norway174

    Cav's shield suggestion

    Do we even know if we will encounter shooting asteroids or debris? As in, will they be a real threat? And even if that were a thing, I'm still not convinced we'd need shields for them. Either they'd probably be weak enough to bounce off the armor, rare enough, and do little enough damage that...
  4. Norway174

    About locks on the YOLOL chips

    Could even integrate that with my RFID idea. Wrong RFID, and KA-BOOM!
  5. Norway174

    Letter of concern to the developers of Starbase

    I will not comment on the other part about DSI from another game, and that long ago. As I feel the relevancy of it here is minimal. And this is not what I wish to discuss. Of course you're allowed to play the game, make alliances and deals. That has nothing to do with favoritism. That's a...
  6. Norway174

    Endoskeleton identification with YOLOL

    RFID would be perfect here. What if you could buy an RFID module from the shop. Or craft it. Or however else way you get modules. You could have multiple of these modules. Maybe up to like... 4? I dunno. Not even sure how the upgrade system would work. Anyway, you'd then be able to freely set...
  7. Norway174

    About locks on the YOLOL chips

    Well... 2 things to protect your YOLOL chips outside the safezone. (From what I know of.) Don't put your YOLOL chips on the outside. Don't get caught alive. But other than that, there really isn't much to protect. Each YOLOL chips is like what, 20 lines, and 70 characters per line. (Need...
  8. Norway174

    Letter of concern to the developers of Starbase

    Even disregarding everything you said about DSI, and the linkage to Dual Universe. Just the alliance alone, seems like favoritism. (Like you also did point out.) I was expecting The Empire and The Kingdom to be fully run NPC factions. And not like a player run faction. I mean, how can they...
  9. Norway174

    Thoughts about PeerToPeer (P2P)

    I mean, yeah... I'm fully aware it won't be pure P2P. I'm just hoping for more details about what exactly would be P2P. For example, someone mentioned, simulation. That'd you'd simulate your own ship. And that, to me at least, seems like it'd be nearly impossible to create an effective...
  10. Norway174

    Skin Panels

    Not sure what the purpose of this would be? If it's cosmetics you're after. Wouldn't it be simpler to paint directly on the plates instead, with a paint brush?
  11. Norway174

    Thoughts about PeerToPeer (P2P)

    Reading over the FAQ, and talking with some people on Discord. I recently learned the game will feature P2P communication. As we've learnt with previous games, such as GTA V. Which also use P2P. Is that it's not secure. Has there been any thoughts about cheating? And any measures put in...
  12. Norway174

    Cav's shield suggestion

    Then I'd rather have the devs tweak the armor value. Rather than make it into a game of who can fit the most shield resistance(?) modules. From what I've seen so far, damage is a very real possibility, with a real consequence. And everyone is bound by those same rules. Which I really like...
  13. Norway174

    Resistant Glass

    I mean... I don't know how durable aluminium would be. But sure, why not! :LOL:
  14. Norway174

    Cav's shield suggestion

    Please no shields... I wanna see the beautiful voxel destruction in all of it's glorious glory!
  15. Norway174

    Resistant Glass

    In a futuristic setting... I think we would have invented some sort of glass like metal. To be able to withstand the stresses of space travel.
  16. Norway174

    YOLOL Code Marketing

    I think you might be thinking a little too complex regarding YOLOL. I don't think you'd buy the code. It's not much, and a somewhat limited. 20 lines, with 70 (Citation needed?) letters per line. And there likely will not be any security measures, or DRMs, or licensing on the code. Outside the...
  17. Norway174

    space hulk station??

    What if you got a station, and you just bolted a bunch of ships to the outside. :LOL:
  18. Norway174

    Making a website and breaking it

    I broke it by just clicking the link... :LOL: