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  1. XenoCow

    YOLOL Syntax Highlighting for Notepad++

    (Example of syntax highlighting) I've been working on some code generators for a project that requires hundreds of chips so I can just copy and paste the program into all those chips. So, to make my life easier when reviewing that the code generated is what I want it to, some syntax...
  2. XenoCow

    Embrace the Space Jelly: How to Inspire Beautiful Ships with Drag as a Feature

    Introduction In most of our favorite movies and TV shows, space ships are shown to have wings or otherwise aerodynamic shapes. As you all know though, this is not optimal in a vacuum where there is no drag or lift to be gained with shapes like that. In video games, it is a mixed bag. Some games...
  3. XenoCow

    A Quick Note to the Devs: Don't Be Afraid to Remove Stuff

    I'll make this brief, but I want to address something that I worry might hinder the development moving forward. I worry that the devs might not be willing to remove features and systems of the game. I know it might seem strange to be thinking about removing features when there are so many...
  4. XenoCow

    The Catylist: Allowing Quick-Play while Promoting Group-Play

    I recently overheard... overread?... some discussion on the Starbase Discord about the woes of the game not really being able to be played in sessions of ~20 minutes like you can in many other games. This suggestion was inspired by that conversation. Problem This "problem" may not be considered...
  5. XenoCow

    Big Guns, Big Ships, Big Fun: How Large Weapons and Recoil can Help Balance Multi/Single-Crew Ships

    This topic was directly inspired by @Lingontuva's shower thoughts post and the proceeding conversation. Go take a look there first to get a little more context. Background I'm sure all of you who have spent enough time with Starbase understand that there is a strange disconnect between the...
  6. XenoCow

    Explosions Revised: Fragmentation Instead of "Delete Sphere"

    To begin, this suggestion builds off of the previous suggestion I made (essentially, all damage is real voxel or fracture so it is visible and not dependent on the size of the object). It may however work with the current damage system. Problem: Currently, explosions in the game, from the...
  7. XenoCow

    Damage Revised: XenoCow's Plan to Make Damage Simpler, More Intuitive, and to Increase Gameplay

    Intro: Damage and destruction is core to what makes Starbase the game it is. I remember seeing the trailers and thinking that the damage was so cool. I was reminded of the battle scenes in the show The Expanse where bullets tore through the ship, leaving trails of hot, glowing metal in the air...
  8. XenoCow

    Weapon and Armor Changes: How ships of all sizes can be effective and players given more choice

    Disclaimers I am not super familiar with the exact damage and armor system and what hardware limitations it aims to address, so please feel free to correct me where I am wrong. Also, if you are reading this near when it was first posted, the current future of development is unclear and may not...
  9. XenoCow

    I made a frog game while I can't play Starbase!

    While I have no desktop to play our favorite game, I decided to learn how to make games myself. So, please feel free to take a look at my first game! Phrogkey, a frog piano keyboard. Try it here
  10. XenoCow

    Quite Possibly the Best Starbase Video Yet

    I didn't make this video, but I think it needs a lot more attention. Please send some love over in Red Moon Dynamics' direction. Please enjoy:
  11. XenoCow

    Public Message Device: Declair Intent, Ask for Help, Advertise Your Station

    Problems: Currently, typing out messages while flying in the belt can be dangerous as you cannot type and fight/avoid asteroids. Also, stations can only say the name of the station via their transponder. Proposed Solution: A device that can transmit a message in some radius with a message...
  12. XenoCow

    Answers to Your Common First Day Questions

    After sitting on Discord and seeing the same handful of questions asked again and again, I thought to do something to try and nip those problems in the bud. Here are the answers to the 10 (and some more) questions that new players have. Enjoy! Also, please feel free to share this as a shortcut...
  13. XenoCow

    SSC Damage Toggle

    Problem: In the closed alpha, damage testing of ships in the SSC was possible by traveling to any of the stations that had an SSC but had no safe zone. However, once the open alpha starts, there will be so such stations around and could not even be player made. All stations will have safe zones...
  14. XenoCow

    Today! (Almost)

  15. XenoCow

    XenoCow's YOLOL Guides

    !!!YOLOL Guides!!! Welcome to my guides on the in-game programming language YOLOL. I hope yo be informative, useful, and brief with them. Take a look and have fun programming! Episode #1, the basics:
  16. XenoCow

    [POLL] What Would You Want to Do Most in Combat?

    This is the companion poll to the combat roles poll. This one aims to find out what players would want to do if they could only do one thing in the game. It may also be argued that the results of this could point to what players will do as they will find a task and stick to that exclusively...
  17. XenoCow

    [POLL] What Combat Roles Would You Enjoy? PART#2

    There are many roles that a player can have during combat. I am curious to see how players will want to play when it comes to fighting. Will everyone want to pilot fighters? Will a majority want to just be a boarding crew? Only one way to find out! Please only select the roles that you would...
  18. XenoCow

    [POLL] What Combat Roles Would You Enjoy? PART#1

    There are many roles that a player can have during combat. I am curious to see how players will want to play when it comes to fighting. Will everyone want to pilot fighters? Will a majority want to just be a boarding crew? Only one way to find out! Please only select the roles that you would...
  19. XenoCow

    Attachment Plate Substitutes (Not for Beams)

    As attachment plates are phased out, I find myself lacking a small bracket for fixing things in tight spaces. Many times I have found attachment plates, especially the corner pieces, the best option for securing bits and bobs on ships after leaving the SSC. Sometimes I don't want to tear apart...
  20. XenoCow

    Has the Idea of Lots as Cargo Depots been Abandoned?

    In the feature video about station lots, one of the uses that Pip suggests is as a place to store stuff. However, it seems pointless to store stuff in a lot when you can store it in the station inventory. Will the inventory be removed or limited, or will the idea of storing things at a lot be...