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  1. Agonarch

    "The game world itself is too big, too empty and too boring", and other stories about how sieges and capitals themselves ain't the saving grace.

    On the topic of speed I really like the travel gates in Freelancer (seen in tons of other scifi too, even Cowboy Bebop!) for that kind of thing, gates which accelerate you towards the next gate, but you need a chain of them from A to B and if one on the route gets shot up enough it disrupts the...
  2. Agonarch

    Ideas for rewarding smart ship design

    I got that, but the tradeoff there is infrastructure isn't it? If it's not a hatch it's tougher, but you can only refuel at tankers and stations - if it's a hatch there's a big weakspot where the plate is mounted, but you can refuel from ice when you're in the belt? Am I missing something there?
  3. Agonarch

    Ideas for rewarding smart ship design

    Concealing fuel tanks under hatches has precisely that advantage - concealment: if someone shooting at you sees a fuel tank, they're going to aim for that. Refueling via connector requires some reasonable infrastructure too, as well as having a similar risk (being on the outside, those...
  4. Agonarch

    Problems with cargo lock

    I guess it's bugged at the moment, you can kind of make it work with cargo-lock beams but I assume devs disabled it for some good reason I don't know about (I've been told it worked in CA but was disabled for EA, so I've never seen it work without some dodgy trickery).
  5. Agonarch

    Speed in the game

    That's not indicative of anything - have you tried to mine, or fight while moving at that speed? I've hit myself with my own front rangefinder when travelling at 150 (and I was inside the ship), I can't imagine there's that much wiggle room there for technical reasons alone. For gameplay...
  6. Agonarch

    Problems with cargo lock

    You can't lock it with anything it thinks is a ship inside (so no frames attached to thrusters) and you can't have anything sticking out - if you're a long way from origin it can get a bit tetchy at the edges to try to keep those clear (talking about 50-70cmish)
  7. Agonarch

    cosine help

    This isn't using sinx/cosx, those are the outputs. Glad you got it sorted!
  8. Agonarch

    cosine help

    I came across an approximation that's not too bad, if you still haven't gotten this to work, try; i=:x/180 :sinx=4*i*(1-ABS i) i+=.5-2*(i>.5) :cosx=4*i*(1-ABS i)
  9. Agonarch

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 37 (2021)

    The non-secure blueprints, does that mean people can just edit and save on a chip? Or edit and save in the SSC fully, making dozens of their own chips to sell?
  10. Agonarch

    T3 thruster Efficency Upgrades require Xalium???

    It's not a 5% increase in efficiency either, that number goes up the higher the total gets. For example to make math easy, imagine you've got an 80% reduction in fuel use, you boost that by 10% to 90%. You haven't increased efficiency by 10%, you've doubled it. They're right to be careful with...
  11. Agonarch

    Slow data network

    When you're in the ship designer there should be minimal server interaction, you should be locally hosting almost everything. An mfc can 'only' handle 50 groups of thrusters, if you've got those with individual names then you're only using 10% of the thrusters, I'd expect a poor response. If...
  12. Agonarch

    LB Plz Look Here

    Maybe just add another kind of seat without the usual security on it, a budget plastic 'public' seat and benches or something.
  13. Agonarch

    What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    That's not how the system works, you can report on people for speech in the forums, but there's no specialized system for reporting exploiters - the reporting exploits works like reporting a bug, only it's a bug that could be abused (say for example you find that blocking an engine with a...
  14. Agonarch

    New Tool or module

    They're working on a system like this for salvage according to the notes, but it's a large station forge/refinery type deal rather than a simple hand-tool.
  15. Agonarch

    Is it me or do others not like the switch to larger devices either?

    You have to actually make it from parts at a crafting table, from what I can tell. EDIT: I look forward to not having to make so many crates properly supported (just a few big ones), or other ways to power big ships - I've got one with like 30 rods in a ring so it gets enough speed and enough...
  16. Agonarch

    Functionality of resource bridge in test environment?

    Worth a retest for sure, it was a few versions ago and there have been some inventory fixes since then so it's possible it's changed, but last I looked it was just gone (luckily it was just ajatite and valkite I was using for weight testing, but it was all gone for a few days at least until I...
  17. Agonarch

    Functionality of resource bridge in test environment?

    Just a heads up to readers viewing this, it's possible to attempt to put stuff (ore) from your station into the crates via resource bridge in test mode. This just deletes those ores, so don't do it (I guess it could be useful in distant player stations when we can build SSC at them to clear out...
  18. Agonarch

    Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    They've said they plan not to wipe anything if it's possible/practical, I think that's an important distinction to note.
  19. Agonarch

    Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    Yeah I was told at one point that the NPC prices were supposed to be based on recent lows on the AH, so chard wouldn't be pinned up by the NPC prices later on if that's the case. I think significant changes to the economy are eventually going to force a wipe, as hard as they might try, as much...
  20. Agonarch

    PvP Server

    First off I'm a carebear, I don't go seeking PvP or pirate, anything like that, so it might be a surprise to hear I'm for keeping the single server. From my perspective we have a PvP zone, it's most of the game, we have a PvE zone that's viable (maybe at the moment too viable, but station fixes...