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  1. Wicca

    What would you name your ships and why?

    "Tea Earl Gray, Hot" "I smell like shit, keep distance" And similar :)
  2. Wicca

    Free Base - Free Base Presents: A Free Haven For New players, Factions and Ships is Officially Open!

    I'll follow generic strategic decisions until I can get it to exist outside the safe-zone. It will definitely be in the safe-zone, to begin with.
  3. Wicca

    A free station

    How free will it be? Are there any individuals or groups that will not be welcomed?
  4. Wicca

    Starbase is not Ark or Atlas

    Also, big ships can take quite a pounding from what I read of the developers. And won't easily get subdued, even by organized attacks.
  5. Wicca

    Starbase is not Ark or Atlas

    I find it rather amusing that some people have this clear view of how the game will be, before it's out and is just preaching and creating meta out of it. But there is no substance. How will you wipe players @Huursa Do you know the gameplay mechanic? How do you stop a player from respawning on...
  6. Wicca

    Starbase is not Ark or Atlas

    @Huursa can you save it for when the game is released, I think noone here really wants to do a VS between all the factions in the games current state. It's not constructive. If you are just here to troll, then so be it.
  7. Wicca

    Issue with Polls

    I guess it depends on what you want to use the polls for, why should you be allowed to edit the poll wording or add more options? Why not?
  8. Wicca

    Issue with Polls

    Isn't that good, so you don't alter the results?
  9. Wicca

    Starbase is not Ark or Atlas

    Forum ≠ Game People can like your style on the forum, but not appreciate your actions ingame :)
  10. Wicca

    Will one efficient design suppress all creativity?

    I'm hoping we can find some sort of weight distribution or armor/speed/firepower distribution to allow for some other shape than box to be best.
  11. Wicca

    Work in progress ship parts rendering

    Looks good Marqueso, how did you do that?
  12. Wicca

    Croomar: reporting in

    Kind sir, would you be a friend and reduce the size of your signature? <3 Welcome !
  13. Wicca

    A free station

    Please like me
  14. Wicca

    Piracy and Thievery

    I love Roleplaying, as long as the game mechanics encourage it in a very automatic way. I call that immersion, that the game mechanics and behaviour of the players aren't forced or pretending. But rather a natural response to the gameworlds rules and set up. For example, with communication. You...
  15. Wicca

    A free station

    So be it Atreties, if a large force is required then a large force will be procured.
  16. Wicca

    Watching What's New

    I use new posts almost exclusively to get information on the latest activity:
  17. Wicca

    What would you name your ships and why?

    I'll try to follow a name system based on small humorous sentences or phrases. Heres an example: "Please don't shoot me" "Don't turn your back to me" "Is ready to mingle" "Do you want bacon?"