Hi and hello!


Forever locked into The Pool
Sep 6, 2019
Hi everyone!

Thought I'd write my introduction here as well: I'm Ellu, one of the newer Community/Support team members here at Frozenbyte.

As I'm still new here, right now I'm focusing on learning all I can about Starbase (and other Frozenbyte titles as well) so in the near future I can provide better assistance in our player support. That's why you might see me lurk the forums and Discord, but not talk as much. I'll do my best to help in any way I can though!

I love video games (surprise). My favorite games are usually the ones that are super nostalgic to me, or the something I can pour hours and hours into.
Other random facts about me: I love cats and dogs but I'm allergic to them, if I had to choose favorite food I'd probably say ramen, I'm weirdly obsessed with skincare and I can lick my own elbow.

I hope we can build a great community here! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask : )